6q.8 Lphefianr Chap,5. VER.26. would I havegathered you together,and youwould note t..ilnf iv. It is one thing what Chrift doth inhis humane nature, as a minifter of theJews, through a holy commiferation; another thing what he willeth by reafonof his prie(fly Office. Chrift as a minifter of the people, byhis humane will, did wholly with thegood as well ofone as theother; for ignorance offecrct things, love ofmankinde, zeale of Gods glory, and due caution of fubjeding his will, might make himwithout finne wittinglyor unwittingly with fomcwhat that is diverfe from the pleafure of God : But inhis PriefflyOffice he hath hiscommandement onely to deale, and that effetually to falva fuch as are givenhim ofGod. objetl.3. It is faid ; He hath thenature ofone as well as an Anfw. He loth not therfore redeemeus becaufe ofour nth': becaufe weare given himofGod to redeeme; thereforehe do our nature: thisreafon isas ifone fhould fay , a man is of the fame flefhandblood with all women,therefore he mutt bea husband as wel toone as to another. Yf 2. It dothpreventa temptation, forthe devil' doch pipe many a man tohell withthis perfwafion,rhat Chrift died for all mankinde, all the world, and therfore for him: But hedyed for the believing world, &c. It doth (hewus his great love tous, that hath loved us and given him - felfefor us : they that make Chrifts love fo lavifh, doe diminifh his love, and rob from the wife, togive to the harlot, from the believing, to beftow upon the world which is an adulrereffe : they get not fo much in the Shire , but they lofe in the Hundreth : What a love were this in a man toward a wife,to love her indeedand live with her, but yet rohave as good a mindc toother women,anddoe what lay in him, onely theywill not cometo lure,&c. Yfe 3 It doch teachus that ifwewill haveany benefitbyChrift, we mull beof this his Church, not onely in outward profeffion , for thus the devils Chappell is in that Church, but to be added to the number of the faithfull by faith and repentance, like them in theAc7s , Men and brethrenwhat (hall we do to be faved VERSE 26. VERSE 26. That hemight fani-tífieit, andcleanfe it, by thewafting ofwater through the Werd. Now followeth the double fruit ofhis death. a. Our fan6fification. a. Ourglorification. In generali thenwetfeethat we muffnot feverthefe twohem fitsof Dol . Chrifts death, pardon of fin , andtrue holineffe : Whofoever bath his portion in Chrifis death, bath hie nature cleanfed no le/fe thenhis confci- ence clearedfrom theguilt ofdeadworks : for the death of Chfr doch carafe fanEtification, not onelyas an exemplary caufe being meditated on but his death hathawork againft the three things whichare in fin. z. Thepower anda&ivityofit, hee made the power of the world a crucified thing by hiscroffe. 2. Theguilt ofit. 3. The