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V E R. z6, Epbefians,C.hapi . 6:gí9 3. The blot which hisdeath doth purge,in as much as it doth procure the fpiritoffanEtification to be fent ièto ourhearts. This therefore as we would have any benefit fare to us by the of is deathofChrift, muff make us feeke to get a part in this fìrft refurre- étion, noholineffe, no part inChrifts death, which was that thofe might be fandified for whom hedyed: Thefe firft fruits of theSpirit they will affure us that Chrift dyed forus : there cannot be the effeét, but the caufe is gone beforeit. It is a caning ladder, we may climbe to the cliffeof the rocke,feeour very eternall predeftination by meant of Ir. 3 letteth us feewhat a preciousthing it is : fure things exceedingly 3? de re bought and much laid for, are tobe efteemed. But how hath not .0ocflaid about, and what bath he not done that we might be holy! r' He hathchofen us, chap. a. forthis end. a. He hath called us to this, t Theft, 7. 3. He bath given us faith and juftification for this, AFfs 16.9. Rom, 6. It doth meet witha fuggeftion of the devill,whowil perfwade men, 3, that feeing faith onely is enough, they (hall have benefit by Chrift his death, though theybe not fo fcrupulous; What need theyvexe them- (elves! the poore Publican: But it is plaine, for whomfoever Chrift bath dyed, he muff have holineffe as well as faith to forgiveneffe of fin, he hath dyed to fantifie. le is manifeft hence, that he dyed not for all, orhe attained not the î{: end in all, for all are notfanélified: ifone fay, it is becaufe they be- lieve nor; I anfwer, that if he dyed to fandifie them then he dyed that they might believe : for this is the ground offaneìification: now ifhe dyed that they might have faith , as he did for all that are his, Phil.,.To you it is given for Chrift to believe, either they mutt have beliefe,or elfe his death is (bit fruftrate. Theparticulars in the verfei two things. a. Our fanétification. 2. The meaner. The fame Chrift dyed that he might fandifie us, not any creature, yet fo that he ufethas a meane and inftrument hereto our wafhing in Baptifine; not that the water ofBaptifine in it felfe bath fuch force,but becaufe it is cloathed with a wordof promife; and fo commethtoex- citefaith, by whichall benefits are furtherapplyed:wherethree things muff bemarked. t. Chriji is he that dothfantiife w. Deft. a. That he doch nfe our baptifine to chi's purpofe. 3. That all the effeil of our baptifme is by reafonof theword of promife annexed to it. For the fir(t, thofe that are fan&ified, thatis, we,andhe that fanéti- eth, iveb. z . r t .and t Cora .31. Chrift is made our fanE1ification,that is, the fanclifier ofus, hedoch procure this bleing, and is by merit as they fpeake. 2. He with the Father and Spirit doth effe6tually apply it : And for