650 Hpbefians, Chap. 5. V E R.26, forthe rightunderftanding of it you muff not, when youheare that Ged is our Sanctification, underhand it as when it is Paid, God is our life, for we live in him; but fo that it is by mease of crea- tures in which he bath put fuch a force : fo thatthough Godbe the efficient and more removed , yet the next formal" caute which maintaineth life, is the virtue in the creature : But God fodoth fan difie us, that intirely and immediately himfelfe doth worke it, not giving cfficacie to any creature to bring forth this worke of our San ¿lification. TheLife of it is that we fhould learn to !cane upon Chrift as the Author and finifher of this worke; which will be a Pure pillar ro truff to, for hisftrength is only able to leade us through all the enmities that areoppofed; Deut. 3 t. Be notdeli-waged,for I amwith you. The fecond thing is, That though the Lorddoth intirely, and immedi- atelywork this, yet he dash ufemeans, the mean of Baptifine. Of which three things : r. What it is, an inftrument to work in us. 2. How it doth work. 3. The ufes. r. It Both finis ferve ingenerali to feale the wholecovenant of God, which is faidof circumcifion and the cup,This is my covenant in my blood : but more fpecially it doth worke to our Unionwith Chrift, Gal. 3.27. and our communion in the benefits of remiffion of firne, líl. 21.17. 20. Rom. 6. Col. 2. 12.. Tit. 3. regeneration or the fan- ¿ifyingofus. a. N_'winthe fecond place, to conceive how our Baptifine doth fandifie, we muffknow there is an error onboth fides. Some faying that God dothby his motion give force to the Minifteriall anion to cleanfe thefoule, that though God is the principal( worker, yet the Minifteriall action through himdoth immediatelybring forth our fan- dification. Sothat our fandification fhould come neither immediately nor intirely from God. Some faythat God doth all intirely, but they dofotie his pretence to the water, that where the Miniffers anion is, there God is allo and at that time, unleffe inpartiesof ripe yeares, un- beliefe hinder. Others fay theyare naked pictures and badges of pro- feflion in thefe three conclufions. Concluf. r. r. God doth alonewholly and immediately from himfelf caufe the work ofour fandification, though he ufe water, yet he doth not give any quality to it, nor lift by any motion of his power the water to effed our inward fandification; Circumcilonis nothing, Gal. 5. And left the Papifts fhould fay, that Scripture doth notfpeak foof Baprifm, theApoftle faith that all the Miniflery of man is nothing, r Cor.3.7. in regard ofpower to work in the foule; and r Pet.3. 27. the Apoftle faith that the outward Baptifine doth not fave. Such like places teach that the Lord doth fo ufe thefe things, that yet all virtue and efficacy is inhim, and goeth immediately from him : For when fandification is greater then Creation, no creature canbe admitted to that fellow- thin