b2 Ephefians, Chap. 5 V ER.26, yre i. h Dal; ltecrdit 9er- bnm ad derma- l-10Z &fit Sa- crameptum. Yfe. Theufe of this to us: r. To Thew to many howvoyd they are of the fruitsof Baptifme; they have the (hell, they want the kernel!: many want this death to finne, and life to righteoufneffe,theywant that baptifme of Chrift, though that benot ofman but of God, Acts 7.51. o yee uncircumcifidofheart : fo it may be laid to many, Oyee unbaptizedones,not wafhed inyour foules. It doth teach us, that wemuff all ftrengthen our felves and fur- ther ourfanâification, our fruition of Chrift and all hisbenefits, even from this fealewhich God hathgiven of ir. Ifa manbath put to his Pealeto any thing, we count that lure, none cangoc againft his Peale : howmuch more fhouldwe hence allure our felves of Chrift and his benefits, becaufeGod bathfealed themto us r he hath promifed, hee hath fworne, he bath putto feale, that we might be affured; we make dormantsof them, never looks to them, as good have nobaptifine, as not ufe baptifme; when therefore you linde doubting, touching the pardonof your fin,you mutt reafon,Hath not God fprinkled on methat water which is the pledge of Chrilfs love fprinkled on my confcience, towafh away that finof my fouler When we finde that powerof fin great in us, we mull fay, Have not I beene Pet into Chrift, flredding his blood, and dying bybaptifme, that I might dye with him fo when we finde want of holineffe and grace, we mull reafon, Have not we been fprinkled with that water, which is the walhing of thenewbirths The third thing is in thefe words,Through the Word;whencc we fee, That all the farcethewater bath, is by reamof theword ofpromife with whichit is cloathed. Why, faith .Auflin, on the 15. of John, you are pure through the Word. Whydidnot he fay through the wafhingof waters Becaufe all the forceof the water commeth from the Word : for take away theWord, what is water but water! the Word cota- meth tothe element,and maketh a Sacrament. And left we fhould thinke he meaneth it of the word Sacrament, as it is pronounced by, the Prieft,he faith,Whencebathwater this force, &c.From the Word, on quiadicitur, fedquia creditor; for water might lignifie cooling as well as denting, if God byhis Word fhouldnot determine it. This thereforebeing fo, it doth teach us that all theworking of the Sacrament is from beleefe on that which is promifed by it, for the waters worke is becaufe of the Word, the Word is nothingnot min- gled by faith, Heh.4. 2. Ergo,Baptifine doth nothing but by meane of beleefe, all the workingof it is to be refolved into faith, co/.2. r z. We are railed upby Baptifine: how ex opere operator no, through faith : and here is an excellent harmonie of thole things that are Paid to fandifie us, I am Jehova your Sanótifier; the blood of Chrift doth purge us; the Word dothmake us pure, 14.15. ï Pet. 2. The Sacra- ments doe clenfe us. God he by his vertue from himf lfe immedi- atelydothproduce our Sant lification. 2. Chrift his blood Both it by procuring the Spirit that dothclen feit. 3. The Word and Sacraments doe it by ftirring up faith on Chrift crucified, and fo leading us to God whodoth clenfeus : and this is tobe noted againft the Papift,, who