TE R. %phefians,Chap. 5. ; 653 who with tooth andnaylc fight againft this, that the effc& oftheSa- craments fhould be brought to beliefe, or require faith to come be- twee= ; for they fay that faith is not neceiary in the ufe , that provi- ded there be nothing doneagainft them a man need not doe any thing tohelp their working inhim, they doe their worke byrcafon ofGods power, Chrifts merit, the faithof the Church , notthat faith of him that receiveth theta : As a medicine ifa bodybe prepared,a man fhall heare ofit though he fleep or wake : a wicked doârine that calleth men from faith, and communicateth Gods honour with creatures. This text doth refute it, which fetcheth all the efficacy of the wafhing from the Word ; now all the efficacy and working ofthe Word is from being mingled withbeliefe, Aek.4.z. objeel. But the Papifts will fay that the Apoftle meaneth not here awordpreachedtobeget faith,bnta facramentall word whichferveth to make aSacrament. But this diftinction is abfurd, which denyeth to a word facramentall thecommon nature ofevery wordofpromife, viZ, tobe werd of faith : for though every word preachedto faith is not a facramentall word, that is, doth not make a Sacrament, yet eve- ry facramentallword is a word ferving to begetbeliefe. object. Butone may aske, Whydoth the Scripture fay, by Bap. tifine we are faved , cleanfed bywaffling, ifthe laver be not thecaufe properly working e whichleft wee fhoulddoubt S. Peter faith , Bap- tifme doth fo faveus, as the Arke favedNoah : nowthat did truly and effectually fave him. .rnfw. They thus fpeake becaufe God hath ordained thefç things as inftruments with himfelfe toworkethat which himfelfe ()tidy in- tircly cffecteth. Theplace of Peter compareth the Arkeand Baptifme in thatwhich followeth them both, not in the manner of working in the confequence, not theefficacy. a. Peter fpeaketh of Baptifme as it is wholly confidered, comprehending Gods actionwithinas well as the mercies Without. objelt. 2. One may aske, Whydo you give itto Infantswho can- not believe e tnfw. Wedoe baptize them as expcfüng they fhould live and ome to be inftrufted in that Sacrament, if they dye before they knowgoodor evill, we fay Baptifme is not in vaine, it ftrengtheneth the faith oftheParent, it entereth the child : though a Papift neednot askethis queftion; for we may askehim,How didCircumcifion work by ftirring up faith e hbwthen might it bee miniftred to Infants that had no faith e a: Onemay fay that baptifme if it doe butnitre up faith, then one may haveas much advantagebyPeeinganother baptized,as bybeing themfelves; asa Sermon though fpoken to one man, edifieth all alike that heare it. Two things inBaptifme. r. Inftrnu%on. z. Application to mein particular. Inttration in two things. a. TouchingChill crucified. L t I a.Touching