(r-- VERSE 27. The phrafcof Circumcifion, this is the Pealeof the Covenant, or that of the cup,this is that Covenant doth evince, though Belóar. dothimpugne it. .E0E/1.40S, C.IAp5 V E 27. a. Touching the applying. And this I may lcarne by feeinganother , both that Chrifis blood is the Laver that wafbcth frnneaway : and thatfome have this blood in the Church fprinkled on them : but that this is fprinkled on me, I cannot lcarneunleffe.by my perfonall receiving. Wherefore let us hold this, that without faith in the Sacrament we canhavensbenefit by it : therefore let us Tooke backe and itirre up our faith on this grace which was brought us. It is with the Sacra- ments as with fome medicines, which if one doe not takebroths and walke upon them, they will not worke: fo the Sacraments, if we walk not our faith in the promifesannexed to them,they will notbeeffedu- all and fruitful! in us. VERSE 27. That he might make it unto himfelfe a , Igrious Church,not bävingßot or wrinkleor anyfuch thing : but that it jhouldáe holy and tnithout blame. Now followeth the fourthpoint : he fandtifieth and cleanfeth us throughBaptifine that he may prefent us at length blamelefle:.marke then,the effcdof Baptifine is not onely when it is miniftred, .gr when we fir!! believe, but it reacheth to our whole lives : TheApt/41 ciq;h not fay, Chrift doth cicanfe us,and Baptifine, and put us in go o¡ cafe while we keepein it,but whenwe fall, heedoth then cleanfc,.ps ,with penance, that fo he may prefent us fpotletfe: but hee maketh our fanitification by baptifine continueand ferve to bring us to perfeçîi- on : Baptifine is like the Arke, if it had carried them for a day or two, till the next waves rofc, and then left them, they had not beenePaved by it : fo if the graceofBaptifine did not fervc agaig(t all forges and waves of fin prefent and future, it could not fave us. And this may eafily be convinced. For let me aske,whethcr Baptifine is not the feale ofGods Covenant; they will fay, yes : then, whether is Gods Cove- nant to be tnercifull to tome fins,or all; ro all ; but providedwee be- lieve and continue in it : Whether mutt faith be loch as mutt hold on withggt lring broken off, or my faith ferve, which though it,be iha- ken Bothrenew it feller It cannot be denied, but thefaith whichlla; l rife up being falle.n,is alwaics accepted ofGod ro the,Covenant,ier.3.. Then it is manifeft , if God fealing his Covenant eloe require faith, which never is interrupted it whichreneweth it felfe, that fo often as aman reneweth his faith he bath the benefit of the Covenant and Peale annexed. Now the Papifis fay that a faith which doth renew it feife bath benefit by the Covenant, butnot the ufe ofthe Peale. Their dofirine maketh a butter feale ofBaptifine. 2. Gods promifew.hen- foever belieyFi1 iscffe uçi 1, but iptifyae isnot a naked wafhingd,but cloatheä with ,promife, He that ickeheyph and is baptized fh;,lî.b&fa- ved ßovythey fay, He that belicvéth, Apd captyqueth,never fayl}lig ; that is, breaking off that betide, tut if he doe he fhali no more lkerbol- p^n by $aptifwc. Then this wordofpromkfe, isnot as Peter faint in- during for ever, but lafteth onely till the i crAeadly fin. ur 3. TheFathers had help by their Circ ci4'ton both in right and mornñcati-