YE R. 2.7a 6phefiarrs,Chap. ß. 655 ;mortification. Rom.4. Deut.3o.6. they had not thebake ofPenance to faile.home in when they offended. 4. It is againft Chriflian experience. But it is not tobee wondred at, for when they are ignorant,or will not fee the righteoufneffe which Baptifme fealeth, nor will not have us by beliefe, but by vertueofthe minifteriall aEìion have benefit at the fiat by Baptifine, no wonder if renewing faithBothnot, fay they,heip us after :forin theirjudgement; it didnever availe us, becaufe they doe make the vertue of it etc epere operato; therefore without repeating theAd, they thinke the vertueof it cannot be attained : their Scripture is the fixt to theHebrews,which hath no (hew to this purpofe: for their reafon that menmu ft not finde fuch eafie reconciliation after Baptifmeas before, and all the ancient fay there is no otherway and cureof fins after and before Baptifme. tílofv. It is eafier to recovera fick man, then to quickena dead man, and as eafietobe cleanfedof one fin, as ofa multitude, and to be forgi- ven when we finof frailty, now friends, asat thefirft when We were enemies. But fay that it be more difficult, this maketh not anew way, but the old waymutt be with more forrow and revenge traverfed: and the Fathersnever thoughtthat therewas anyother way then faith in thegrace fealedin Baptifme. But they therefore call it another man- ner ofcuring : r. Becaufe the Adof Baptizing couldnet be repeated; 2. Becaufe they might not come to that grace of Baptifme with fimple profeflionoffaith and repentance, but were further to give te- ftimonyof it in penitentiall exercifes; for to wail) away the fraine wherewiththey defiled the Church , and to fpread a wholefome ter- tour that others might not dare fo tooffend. A new way, becaufe for circum(tances it was otherwife adminiffred. We therefore feeingourBaptifineiseffelìuall all our life long,muft Yf, learne to looke to it: thefe elementsare not like materiali bread , we cannot Bate that and have it, but thefeare a vifible word and cloathed with a wordofpromife which 1a(teth for ever: wee mutt chew the cud, and then thefe things will [till give us nourifhment as frefh as when we fir(t believed : And that none fhould thinke himfelfe too goodtoprofit by Baptifme, thinkoft/1braham, Cornelius, yea Chrift himfelfe that tooke it leavingus an enfample. Nowhe commeth to the fecond effcét, our glorifying, where two things are tobeconfidered; . z. Ourprefenting, for fo the word fignifieth, which is ampli- fiedby the perfon to whomwe (hail be prefented, to bim- felfe. 3. Themanner fet downe, z. Generally, a glorious Church. 2. Expounded particularly from the removing of that which is againft it, and from the perfehion ofholinefle in whichit ftandeth. The fummeoftheverfe : That Chriff dothfanótifie us through the courfe ofour lives, helping us by faith on theword ofpromife inbap- L 113 tifme