656 Ephefian.r VER.27.h tifme hereunto, that we who have fome conjunction and are contra- Qedto him here by faith, may at lengthall ofus be prefented before him andgiven him in mariage , being for quality perfedly glorious, that is, fuch as have no fuperfluitie of fin fpotting us, nor nodefect no running, which the lackofgracecaufeth , as the lack ofnatural! moi- fture maketh theface wrinkled, but we fhall have unblameabie boll- neffe, and perfeLl happineflè the companionof it. D.á1. r. Then we fee, How that they who fhall beglorified in the lafi day, muff befrfi fantlifiedhere ; hedoth fanctifie, and he at length doth glorifie us:The pure in heartfhall fee God;Without holineffe you cannot fee God, Heb. r 3. uliat.5. thofe three benefits cannot bee fevered in Chrift, i.Juftification, it is forgiveneffeof fin, 2. Sanc}ification here, 3. Glory hereafter; Rom. 6. Youbeing juftified have your fruit unto holinetfe, and the end is eternall life. For though it be no caufeofglo ry, yet it isa neceffaryantecedent, as aman mutt be a childe before he can hi growne man , though his childhood doth not make hima man : And it is comely that theSpoufe of Chrift fhould be cleanfed andfitted as it were, before the be prefented to him. When earthly Majeftieshave not had their women brought to them till they were anointed, wafhed, perfumed, exquifitely by the whole yeare ador- ned, Hefl.z.1 2. Howmuchmore is it meet that the believing, whoare to be theQleen of theKingofKings, fhould be prepared hereto.: Yfe. Wherefore as ever we looke tohave part in glory, fo let us firft ftrive here tobeholy, no Saint here , no Saint in Heaven hereafter : nay, he fhall bean incarnate Devil!, that fcoffeth at being a Saint on earth: no uncleane thing, no dogs fhall enter there. Men will not matchwith foule ones, and doff thou looke that while thy foule is full ofall filthineffe, darkneffe, prophaneneffe, atheifme, wrath, worldli- neffe, uncleanneffe, inteinperancie, that the Lord ofglory fhould mar- ry himfelfeto thee, and take thee to his glory:' no, he firft fanétifieth, thenhe glorifieth. írmMatamQ. Nowparticulary, firft from this he faith, Thathe maypre[Mt ne, we D.U. fee, that wóile mearehere, weareabfent from the Lord, weefee that assyet or rather that weare not given inmarriage,and taken home to him. As in earthlymariages; firft there isa Contraá,and then fome (pace oftime betweene that and the mariage, asftanding with the chaftity of pro- ceeding, as which trieth the truthof love,and maketh the confumma- tion morewelcome,when now it hathbeene expected : fo every be- lieving foule is when the Father draweth it to Chrift contracted to him,caft but the eye offaith to Chrift, and thou haft won hisheart, he is his owne no longer,Cant.4.9.yet for good purpofes the takingof us home tò himfelfe, and the confummation of thefe beginnings is putofftillall thefaithful! , thewife of the Lamb, fhall beprefented to him,all ofwhom (hall then be given him bythe Father: yeaMinifters having a partin this matter, 2 Cor.a1. z. Yfe: This fhould moveus feeing there is a time wherein the Lord will fullywedus tohimfelfe ; this mutt make us longafter the hower, when