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VE !t 27. ephefian.r,ChaP. 5, 657 when ah fhadowes (hall flee , when all ofus brought into the houfeofour Lord, and be withhim for ever ; wefee how-contra&ed perfonsthink a daya yeare till they eachenjoy the other the fame affr6tion fhould be in ustoward Chrift Jefus. The fecond thing tobe noted, viZ. That the Church belongethas á DoEL wife to none bat Chrtff, we(hallbe prefented or given to him. What are Minifkers! nor the bridegroome,but his friend, not who are fuirers for themfelves,but fuch asgoe betwixt Chrift and his Church; to fit her a virgin for Chrift their Lord, loh.3.39. zCor. i t.a. The whichdorh rebuke the infolency of the Pope, that among o- rfet ther titles is not afhamedto have this maintained , that he is the huf- band ofthe Church : But no confideration doth more throwdowne that claimeofhis to be ahead, then this Chapter : For Chrift is fo a head that he is a husband : now we know that a husband -likeheadfhip is ofthat naturethat it doth notbrooke partners, the husband cannot havedeputies,or dothat which belongethto himbyproxy; fie,it ftan- dcth not with the chaftityofa husband to depute another for him in any fort, nor with the chaftityofa woman to admit it : But thus to plead himfelfe corrivall withChrift,is fit forhim that li techhimfelfe upabove all that is calledGod. 3. We feewhat ¿gloriousItate is refervedfor us inHeaven:yet it appea- DQ reth not what we (hall be, but when Chrift appeareth, then wee (hall appeare inglory with him, Col.3.t. loh.3.,. ARateof perfect glory both in foule and body : In fouleperfect light, flaming love joy un- fpeakable; In body fuch glory, that the face (hall fbineas the Sun, the. bodybecovered as it were withlight, it (hall be immortali, fpirituall, neither needingmeats nor drinks,andof admirable agility, even able ro moveWhither the fpirit Both carry it:this glory iskept for us till we (hall behand -faitto Chrift, and that fitly : for looks aswe put offour hraverie till the wedding day, though they willgoe handfötne ,. yet the wedding apparel( (hall not come forth till then : fowee though Chrift maketh uscomely , yet all this fumptuous attire is referved till the wedding ofthe Lambe is to be folemnized ; then wee (hall have it as a piece ofhis glory , that then wee fhould bee ftatelyar- rayed. And this, that our fpotleffeholireffe is not attainedhere,doth teach VJe ;. us, t. To decline fuch erroneous fpirits, as would have a glorious Churchon earth, fuch as were theDonatifts, as are the Anabaptifts, and in part the Papiíts, who affirme thus much of a true beleever baptized,that he is without fpot,and that there is nothing inhim,which may not indure triall, before Gods juftice, nothing that God canhate: Nowwhat Both this, but before we come to Chrift, either by death or otherwife, make a perfoti without fpot, contrary to Scripture, as, lfwe (faith fogreat an Apoftle, including himfelfe) fly wehave nofin, ,,loh.s.à; there isno truth in us. In which placethey Rieke as inpitch, forfaying is not onely fpeaking with the tongue, but with the heart, The foie bathPaid in his heart. Andwhen the Scriptureaffirmeth thenaming L113 of