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658 L4phejíaus, Chap.S. V ER. Z7 or faying, it a(frrmeth that thing; he gave them chis priviledge to be called, to be When it denieth that a thing may be thought or fpoken,' itdenycth the being: and fo Paul complaineth, Rem. 7. 23. of time dwelling in him which loth lull againft the Spirit of God; it is the which the Spirit writeth in our hearts, and therefore is properly ! thine, which theApoftle mourningunder the burden of it, doch fur- ther evince: for if it were a difeafe left for to exercife us for our fur- ther glory,the Apofllefhould have rejoycedas in otherof 1i tìons, ra- ther then otherwife. But aboutthis the Papifts erre,not marking, e. that God loth for- bid the lofrngof grace in us, whereas every Commandement doch forbid, for finne is not ended in the outward deed, but begun in the breachof inherent grace, Be upright, they loft their firft love. 2. Thatthe Commandements doe fhew Tome things which they binde not todoe : Curfed ishe that abidethnot in all: and they require inobedienceall the heart and might. 3. Thatthou fhaitnot lull, forbiddeth lulling onely with confent of our owne will: but fuch tuft may be knowne without the Law, z. Luft in an infant unbaptized is finne, yet it harh no voluntary con fent in the infant: iffinne, it is a breachof Come Commandement, as themfelves yeeld, though they will notadmit of the contrary. Butto returne, they fay that fume is fo abolifhed in Baptifine, as . none remaineth, not onely making us guilty, but as having being in us : we traunt no guilt, anda deadly wound of it, fo that fucceffive- ly, it fha If be quite abolifhed. objell. TheScripture faith, that not onely guiltineffe is removed, but that ourfinne is dead and buried in Baptifme. infro. TheScripture fpeakech of thingsas done when they are in doing: now this is begun to be done, though not as yet to be finned, Pfal. 2. Ail. 4.. E /ay a. 18. he faith that a convert is as white as fnow. Aufwer. In regard of that righteoufneffewhich ftands in forgiveneffe of finne, Chrifts put uponus: and thus Peeing that Chrift is put upon us in Baptifine we may fayas chryfífieme,that a baptized perfon is pu- rer then the funne beames; for the funne of righteoufneffe doch cloth him, no fpcech can be exceffve. 3; Howcan finne and righteoufneffe, life and death dwell together Atli,. They cannot in the highcft degree: thus raigning fine ex. cludech righteoufneffe, and perfect righteoufneffe in heaven Chad ex. elude finne. s. They cannot fo dwell together as to be accorded,but in inferiourdegrees, and one fighting againft another, they may dwell together, Gal. S. the fpirit andAAarecontrary,yet dwell inus lofting one again(' another. 4. Howcan a man finne, and yet not be guilde, have thine which God hateth,and yet beaccepted,: Anfw. The relation ofcondemning in this perfon maybe fevered, though the being remaineth : How can a (tone which is a landmarke ceafe todiflinguith ground and be a lone ,f How can a Bee ceafe to fling