66o Doli. r. a. 3 Dol!. $phefian.r, Cbap. 5. V ER.28. cafe they are oar bodies. For opening it, z. things. r. How they arc the body ofthe man. 2. What duties may hence be concluded. For the t If we Tooke to the fir ft beginning we may literally un- derhand this : for Eve the wife of Adam was a piece of his body. /dam having inhim not onely that which made him a perfe l man, which he remained whenEve was made ofhim, butthat which made him a perfeót beginning principle of mankind. But thus the is not our body in any fpeciall manner. Secondly,the wife is the bodyofa man juris fillione,in fuppofitionof the Law, for the law putteth the cafeas if they were both one perfon. Thirdly, and principally, the is one body with him jure conjunlli-, orris, becaufe the isby Gods conflitution and lawful! content madeas one perfon with the man in begetting a fecde to God. For looke as a plant of one tree, now let in another, they doe grow up, not as two, but one treebringing fruire: So God harbincorporated the man and woman,that they fhould be one tree,and as it were propagating fruite unto himfclfe. Then hence that the is thus our body, we fie low that we mu l be more veerely afelled to her, for every man is next himfclfe, Skinne for skinne, &c. She is to have communion in all things with the man, for what hath the head, which after a fort is not for thebody! if man is notwithfianding defetlsto ref! in her. For if our bodies be without beauty and feature, if lame, crook - backed, or other- wife, we doe content our felves with them, and make ofthem the belt wemay : fo it mutt be in husbands toward their wives, as who are their bodies. Laftly, note hence, that the woman it not having power of her felfe, n6 the man isnot bit own likewife, bothhave mutual affcílion one in another, for the body is the body of the head, and the head is a head for the body. 2. It is to be marked left we fhould flicke st this point, how the Apoflle doth infer,that loving our bodies we love our felves; whence marke, that as wewould Phew love to our[elves, f wemalt love our wives, This is a Ic(fon we are forry to take forth, Mailer be good to thy felfe, for there is innature an inclination to this; whence it is that men who (hand frozen at motions never fo equall, tell them that you can fhew them that they are partics,then you (hall have them tooth and naile for you If therefore we have fucha readineffc to love of our felves, Iet us love our wives, for our love is not loft, the grieft commeth to our mills, we love our felves in this love. And fo it is,for asthe good done to a member, redoundeth to the head ; fo with the wife: and on the contrary, he that loveth not his wife, loveth not himfelfe, for he doth makeher work, and fo difeafe himfclfe. Or if(he be a goodwoman that will not fhootewith the devill inhis owne bow, and requite evil! withevil!, yet in not loving her, a man doth kindle fuch a difcontent in