bóz _J ; Ephefians, Chap. 5. V E R.10. fhunthegrievingofusfomuch as ina word, which may be noted in all thefe qualifications,whereby he allayeth the tartneffe ofany fpeech hefpeaketh tohis,Ioh. Y7. But ye arepure. z. He doth converfeamia- bly withus, killing us with the kiffesof his mouth, that is, making us feele his comfortsby the work ofhis fpirit in the words ofhis mouth, taking his repaft withus, I will come and fup and feaft in you. 3. He thinketh andfpeakethhonourably ofus,calling us his love,his friends, not ashamed tocall usbrethren, Paying, we are beaueifull, pare. 4. He Both take inworth ourweakeft duties,and ufethgreat patience toward us. g. Heclothcomfort us in heavineffe, his left hand is under us,his right handdoth imbrace vs. Fray 63. He doth comfort us as a mo- ther doth a fonne in heavin ffe; how he fpeaketh to the hearts of his ïri Iehn, in thatlaft fpeech he made to them! 6. Hedoth flirow'd us un- der his wings from all evils,which might hurtus,as a hen her chickens. Which dothferve not onely to informe us how we fhould cherïfb our wives bynot grievingthem, by fweete and amiable behaviour to ward them,by thinking reverently and fo fpeakingof them, byequall acceptance of their fervices and patience towards them, by bearing their burdens with them,by fheltringthem from evill :butit lothcon- vince thebehaviourofmen,which is often inevery point fo contrarie : for many that are never well but when they gall them by wordsand provoke them, that are alwayes fowre and lumpifh in behaviour to- ward them,in notgiving them thatcountenance theyPhew to common friends, that thinks and fpeake to, and ofthem toothers molt bafely, that take nothingin goodworth, quarrels at every thing, have no pati- ence, ifany thing never fo little be amiffe, that if theybe heavie will bring fuell to the fire and increafe it, they doe make themwater their plantswithout caufe, and yet are mercileffeat their teares, not loving themtoady, they becomemurderers ofthem byunjua wrath. This truth ferveth for comfort of fuchperlons as beare this heavie yoakeof uakinde husbands, theycannot haveamore cordiali comfort applyed then this, to turne their eyes unto their husband in heaven, inwhom they (hall finde heaped meafure of love undeferved, for all the lackeoflove,which they might claime as due at the handsofmen. Yea itcomforteth us, for as Saint Ambrcfe faid, I feare not to dye, I Carve a good Lord : fo we neede not to feare, though we have many wants in our belt duties, betides our finfull infirmities : for we havea gracious husband that doth cherifh and fofter us, who is full ofaccep- tance and patience. It doth teach usour duties, viz. if Chrift be fo kindea husband to us, thenwe muffbe circumfpefk in nothing to grieve him : love requi- reth love: and the foule that feeleth the fweete of love, will be loath to interrupt the courfe of it: this the Church in the canticles doth charge her maids,that theyoccupy themfelvesin theworks belonging to them, and no way byany rudenefle awake her Love before ire pleafe. Vx.&E 30. VE' s E 3o.For weare members ofhis body,ofbisflefb,andofhisbones. Now 41