TT E,. 39. Epbf, fans, C1:5 Now tuc,Apoftle.lrrawech the reafonwhy Chrift doth fo cherifh his. Church, viz. beçtufrlheisfonea:e and-dear to him. In which three thingsmuff benacrrked. I. -How that the ground of all the.fruitsofdave-we receive from Chrift,isour union withhim ; look Mtn 17.21. For as betwixt man and,woman, the man,cannot thew the fruits of love, nor the woman doth .nor communicate-in-the mans goods,tillaccording to Godsor- dinance by mutual' conferir they arejoynedone to anodiser: fo withus andChriff. Whereforethis is made the reafon of-his kinde cherifhing.ofus, our flrairconjunétion we have with him. -.Which-muff mach us to labourf: rfaich,whichistheweddingring, yf, which makcth the contra& twixt Ciarift and us, Hofa. 22. that by faith made one with him, we may have communion in the benefits byJhirn. It is to be marked that he ,dothnot fay, for the Church is his 2; body, of his firth, which the fequellof his difcourfe did require, but hepurtoth himfelf and thebeleeving Epheftans inRead of theChurch, and doth appropriate co himfelfe and them this bleffed union here na- med. Which lothteach_the property offaith, vi. to affunoe in ourfelves that which belongeth to theChurch,and to apply to our felt's that which isin soli`,' generati tang/a: ofthe Church. Paul here affumeth that he and he be- Ituving EphcJana are the Church, and this which is agreeing to the Church, which is chap. T. the bodyof Chrift, he avoweth it ofhim folfc and-the bekevitia Ephofians.Wemuff know our felves true mein- bets of the Church. It is not sheBilhopof Rome with his Clergie,nor anyof their kin, that are theChurch, but fuch as are cffcâually cal- led through faith on Chrift, toholineffe here, and that hopeof glory, they are the Church. Ifothers take that name tothem,having might though no right,it is but asa true mans purfc ina rheevs hand,it is none of,thefts. Andas we muff know our felves the Church of God : fo we sruift apply that -to our felves which brio/Tech tothe Church; Chrift gavehimfcl.ffor his Church,in this chap.Gal.z.zo. Wholoved me and gave hin:felfe for me; the Church is the body of Chrift,chap. I. In this weare the members of Chrifts body for that which is promifed CO the Church acid is fpokenofit, is fpokenof every member after a fort: and what is effenriall to the whole Church, is to be found in everybcicever. l ruinbuildmy Church, 6.c. Mat. r6. Heil!ball not pre- vaiLe ageing! it. Everymember is toapply this as fpoken of him. Which is to be marked again-ft that fairhleffe faithof Rome, which Yfe afi'enreth to the truthof things ingeneral', but counter's particular af- fiancedam%rble prefumption. We muff marke, beleeversare nearely coupled to Chrift; What DA a; ran benearer or dearer tohim, then chafe that:are flcfhof hisflea I. The thing. Todhew.ep. The manner howwe conceive it. (3. TheUfcs. i.This