664 Yfe.3: 4 Pphefians, Chap. 5. VT E R.;O. I. This it is which by fundry companions is (hadowed forth, as the Vine and branches, the head and members, man and wife, things that are moft ftraitly conjoyned : the Scripture doth tranflate them to fignifie our union withJefus Chrift, that Godmay well fay, he car- riethus as grave] in his hand, Iray 49. thatwe areas the appleofhis eye. NowChrift may be faid ofthe fame flefh withus, andwe with him, inregard wehave one nature with him, Heb. 2. 14. But thus the wic- kedmight be flcib of his flefh. z. In regard thatthe faithful( are by the finewes of faith tyed toJe- fus Chrift, flefh to him, God and man. 3. Which is molt proper,inrefpeót that God dothmake and frame us, and nourifh its up, fo farre forth as we are new creatures with the flefh ofChrift crucified : that as Adam fleepiing, God did frame ofhis flefh and bone Eve : fo Chrift fleeping on the croffe, God did make of his flea] crucified, as it were a matter robeget the new creature,and to feede it up;The breadlgive is my flefh, which i willgivefor the life of the world. That looke as if you aske me, Whatis anarurall mane I an- fwer, a piece of the firft Adams fubftance by propagation carnally derived: So ifyou askeme, what is a Chriftian man!Chrift Jefus God- man, fpiritually applyed : marke thofe fpecches, Co/.3. Ix. Chrifl is all Mall ; Not Ilive, but Chrifl inme. Now for the tiresof this confederation, theyare manifold. . This lettethus fee the prerogative ofthe faithfull, to beof the blood royall, neere a kinne to fomegreat perfonages ; what a dignity but to beflefh of the flefhof that great God incarnate! O how excel- lent! that if there were nothing elfe, well might the beleever fay, Glo- riowa thingsarefpoken of thee o Sinn, the City ofGod, heavenly No- bility. 2. This doth let us fee, what a fearefull thing it is to deale againft the true membersof the Church;Whowould not beafraid tohave his hand againft one of the Kings iffue, or the Queen, that is one body with hima thus neereare the faithfull to the King ofKings, the Lord ofglory, that bath all power in heaven, or inearth, they lift at a (tone, whichwill bruifethem. This doth helpe to beget confidence in us, that Chrift will deny us nothing that is good. Laban could upon this ground proteft kindnefl'e to lacob, Gen.a9.53. Andif God abhorrein men voidneffc ofnaturall affeEtion; (hall hebeunkinde and hide his eyes from usthatare his owne flefh ! wouldwenot prefume to obtaine any reafonable thing from one neereus in blood!what (hall hewithhold whohath made us flefhof his flefh, andbone ofhis boner This doth let us feethat our God bath not might onely,but right to redeemeus : Thofe wereto beof thekin andblood to whom theright ofredemption did appertain.: Our Saviour as God is our King and Creator, and therfore hath might;asman is flea] ofour fief], andbone ofour bone,and therefore bath right,that we may fay, He is our God, as lobLid, My Redeemer livcth. VERSE I