,V E R. 3t. ephefian.r,Chap. 5. VERSE 31. For this cattle /hall aman leavefather andmother, and fhall cleaveto bùwife, and theytwain hall be oneflefh. Now followeth the third proofe, that teeing wives are the bodies of men, therefore they fhould be loved, The proofe is taken from Gods Ordinances in this behalf, which are cited out ofthe OldScrip- ture ; for this caufe, that is, becaufe God hath given her, and mum - all content made the woman fo neere the man, v.28. his body, there- forefhall one leave, that is, he (hall efteeme none as her. 2. He fhall moft dearely affec). 3. They lawfully, holilyand infeparably; till death, goe into know,performe benevolence one tothe other onely. Thcfe muff be further explained. For the fiat, a man (hallleave father andmother: it doth not teach children tobe without naturali affe&ions toParents, which God and nature condemne in them : nor juftifieth continuance in fuch marria- ges as children have made without the privityofthe Parent, becaufe thewife is neerer then the Father , &c. for this fpeaketh of lawfull marriage with the Parentsadvice , and thofe are nothing but licenfed fornication. But thisdoth include three things. I. That in bodie the children (hall not come neere the Parent ; re- fraining all inceftuous conjunélion with them , fuch as oedipus and Lots daughters. 2. He (hall leave them inaffcfiion , that is , he (hall not fo affeét them and love them, asthe principallin his heart ; for after marriage, though we owethe Parent reverence above the wife,yet we owe them love next to the wife, who mutt be the bell beloved. 3. He ¡hall leave them in regard ofcohabitation , orbeing in the number of his Fathers family,as before he was : for the Parent giving a child in marriage, doth give them a kindeof freedome, allowing them tobe for themfelves, and for that familywhich God (hall raite ofthem : notthat the childmutt prefentlyvoidhis parents roofe: On- ly this Both warrant his feparating, when it is íno¡t for furthering his elate. robs children had their holies : Rachel! and Leah left their Pa- rents for their husbands, and lawfully. For the fccond worke, he ¡hallcleave to his wife inbody, that is, by makinga furrender to her ofhis body, yeilding content of it to her. a. In affec tión molt tenderly loving her. 3. In cohabitation,letthem dwell with theirwives, z. Pet.z. Not that a man (hould be tied with a clogand chaîne at home, for the Merchant, the Lawyer bath his terme ofabfence, but his fixed dwelling (hall be with her,and his pre- tence fo much ashis calling doth permit.. In the laft place it is faid, Theyfhallbe oneflefh , which words have not this fenfe, They (hall become (by the iffue God doth give them) onefle(h : for z Cor.6.16. fheweth anothermeaning,viz. theconfum- mation ofall in their aâuall benevolence, which here by God is au- thorifed, fanétified. And it is to be marked that he doth not binde them to meet onely together in faying they (hall be one flefh,but law- fully, holily and infeparably ufe together till death depart.Which is a Mmm diltinétion VERSE 3r.