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V E R. 32,. Ephefranr, Chapo.. 667 z. It is to be marked, that he faith, they two , eachkeepe themfelves to otherintirely this way.Which dothcondemnenot only Polygamy, which the wife Heathen havecondemned , which is a fitter fruit of Turkish Atheifine,then ofChriftian Religion ; but all wandring un. cleanneffes, when a married partie fhall doe any thing that appertai- neth to the delight of the fleshwith thofe that are not theirs : Miftref- fing is a thing fo frequent,that men are not ashamed of it, for men to betoying and killing with ftrange women (fuch are all but thy wife) manyblush not at these points : but are not thofc fparkles of that fire ofluft in thy ffefh, which thou fhouldeft quenchonlywith thyowne waters a Is not thywife tohave the vaileof her eyes, and is not The to be the delight ofthy kiffess takeheed,for fome thinke that when with the harlot they have learned to wipe their mouths, and aske what is the matter, that all is well , none feeth, but God Teeth , Prov.5.zo. and it maybehe will fayas toDavid, Thoudidft in fecret, I will doe my judgement in the fight of all Mae!: It may be he will reveale it in the Congregation, and thy fhame (hall not beblotted forth, 3. Our Saviour ufeth this fentence againft divorces. V E R S E 32. Thre is agreatfecret, but uptakeconcerning Chrifi, andconcerning the Church. Nowhaving propounded the duty and proved it by three reafons, he Bothwinde it upwith an acclamation, wherein he doth commend fomething that went beforefrom the hidden fecrecy in it, that fo their attention might be the snore excited to give it that more ferious con- fideration. r. He doth propoundit. 2. HeBoth by prevention expoundof what he meaneth , 2'hie is agreat myfiery. z. He doth explatne what it is ofwhich heaffirmeth this,but I (feakeas concerning Chrifl and his church,as if heshould fay, This I have faid to you isa thing ofhidden fecrecy, but I meanenot this which next ofall went before touchingman andwife , but that I faid alittle before about Chrift and the Church,the which is, as other points about Chrift are, a great myftery, r Tim.g. ult. Thus having finifhed the layingdowne of their duties infeverall, he doth come to conclude this matter with unfolding them joyntly. Firft,laying down asingular citationofthe perfons, Tau, every one ofyou. Secondly, a charge which concerneth eitherrepeating thedutie ofthe man before delivered, annexing a new dutyoffeare to that of fubje&ion, Let the womanfeare her husband. Nowfor the Order : fome reade it, wherefore, makingit a conclu. fron in the venueofall thereafons goingbefore: but it is better thus toconceive the conveyance asby a turning from theoccafion offered of otherdifcourfe, and refuming thematter inhand, andto reade, but as in r Cor.i i. it . as ifheshould fay thus,This I toldyou is a thingof great fecrecy, I meane thatwhichI fpeake ofChrift and his Church : But nottoprofecute the unfolding ofit (for one nayle would but drive out another) every one ofyou remember what I faid, Men loveyour Mmm 2 wives; VERSE 32.