670 Ephefiasr, Chap,S. v E R. 33 3. 4 vJè. VERSE 33. theFather ofall the family in Heaven and earth giveth Chrift to us. .Rom.8. Ifhe hath given us his Son, &c. and giveth us likewife tohis Son, /oh. 1 o. Againe , there is betwixt our Lord and us a mutuali content, he takingus forhis, wehim for our Lord; He faith, Thou art mine, we fay,We are thine Lord. I amyour God, We are thy people. In the effects marke, in marriage, each partie leaveth the Parents to cleave one to another : this is in Chrift and the Church : for Chrift came down from Heaven from the bofome of his Father, emptied himfelfe ofglory, in regard he manifefted himfelfe in fitfh, likero our finfull fiefh laden with infirmities ; and wee leave this world whore children we are, havingour converfation in Heaven yea fometime leave our parents indeed, for Chrift doth erewhile put a (word twixt the Parent and the child. Looke Pf1. 45.10. where this is ty pically delivered ofall the ChurchofGod. Againe, in the fruitfulneffeofmarriage : foras they beget aftertheir image childrenofwrath : fo Chrift the quickningSpirit, by the feed ofthe Word, in the mouths of hisfaithful-1 ones, doth beget fons and daughters toGod. Laftly, confider fome confederationsabout marriage. a. The marriage betwixt man and woman is made and continued when the perfons are not in one place together, (locali conjunction belongeth not to that flmpie being, but complete and perfe& being of marriage) asby letters and confent fignified one may be contraéted to another twenty miles off him; and we that are married, ifoneofus be in England, another inFrance, are hill man andwife, as truly as ever: So Chrift withus, though he be in heaven, and we in earth, yet weare as truly marriedro him, as ifwe were prefent with him. Laftly marriage doth fo couple that nothing but death departeth, exceptadu?tery, or that cafe of defcrtion, when one is unwillingly forfakenofthe other: This in Chrifts marriage with us is tobe feene, who loveth his to theend, and putteth his feare in us, which will not let us whollydepart from him , yea giveth us fuck love as no waters canquench, Cant. 8.7. fuch faith as hell fhall not prcvaile againft. Wemutt therefore delire God to teachus there things : Our hearts would burne withinus if we could feethem as we fhocdd ; that God ofhope give us thatfaith which may fill us with joy and peace in be- lieving. VE R SE 33. Therefore everyone ofyou doeyeefo . let every one love his wife, even as himfelfe, and letthewife fee that filefeare her husband. Nowfolloweth the concludingofthis point by a joynt exhortati- ofthemboth; marke, firft, he had (pent agreat dealt of pains in this point, yet hedoth not fopaffe it, but doth repeat to themagaine that Commandement, and particularly applyeth it [every one ofyou] as if he would point them forth by the head. Obferve, That we mull heareagaine andagaine ofour duties, and have them in particular chargeduponus. For wee are flowof heart , dull ofunder - ftanding. Againe, if we doe conceive, our memoriesare like colan. ders,