IV E R.33. Epbeftan.r, Chap.y: dcrs, they hold as fives do water, as weakc ftomachs do meate,which they tact upfo foone as it is taken. Againe, we muff have there things againe urged, becaufe there is a reluáation in our nature, our corrup- tionnnfubdued cannotbe fubjelf to the LawofGod. That as a fto- machwhichindurethnotmedicine, muff againe and againbe forced before it will let it downe; fo it is withus. 4. Our devotion, ifwe do receive a thing with affeetion,isfo foone cooled that we muff ftill be excited : for we are like the firingsofan inftrument,which a little played on dò fall downe lower,and therefore muft oftenbe let up: and we muft not heare onely againe ofthings , but have them perfonally applied , for there is fuch acarelefneffe in ournatures, that what is fpoken toevery body , is as ifit were fpoken to no body. Which is to be marked ; for it doth meete with that foolifh wif- Y,Te dome ofmany, that lovenot toheare twiceofone thing , a word for wife man, a thoufandwill not doe with a foole : two much honey is naught, toomuchof one thing good for nothing : What, nothing but husbands love your wives! But the Holy Ghoft which never doth teach a fuperfluousword , will have the fame point often repeated, one cannot drive a nayle throughly with one blow. Againe, marke how he applieth that was indefinitely fpoken, Let man lave his wife, every one ofyou , by the head as it were poynted forth, Love, &c. that therefore which 4 indefinitely¡oken,is to be taken Doff; m ifit werefingularly delivered. The Papifts aske, Where have you, thou Thelma believing (halt beCaved! we mayask, Where reade they, Thou Jahn,&e. lovethywife : Doe not kill.Yet when God faith, Let a man lovehis wife, it is to betaken as if he had fad , Doethou; Soa man is juftified through faith on Chri(t, believe thou (halt be faved. And for husbands the dutie is before explained. For Wives here is a further lefl'on, viz, that it is not enoughout- wardly to obey, but we mutt inwardly feare thofe that are our huí bands, t Pet. 3.2. which is chiefely , when wee have a dread to doe ought that may offend,and are carefully fearing leftinought they be offcnded,as the Church, Cant. 3.5. Take heed you awake not my Love. a. When the heartis cold to feethehusband in jail .difplea- lure, as the faithful' foule trembles to fee Gods wrath revealed. 3. Whenwe walke, having confcienceand refpeét of thatfuperiority which God hath put in that man above thewoman: without this, all our reverence is but a coppy of countenance, and lafteth till fome thing doevexeus; thenbecaufe the heart hath not this bridle,we will!, fly out into any unrulinefFe. But you will fay, wemuft love our husbands. "Kw. Both do well (landtogether. Love isfull.ofcarefuincflc,'care, .though voidofila- x piee'ti vifhor fuperftitiousterrour. ptzr rtmora ago>. Whichdoth meet with the lewdneffeofmany women, that thinke vfe. it their glory to know no awe ; for pleating, they ftand on no fuch points, ifthey likenot, they may leave, fay they : let them get others dot s