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67$ P,!/4.!YS.a7wwG..D A COMMENTARY VPON THE SIXTH CHAPTER OFTHE Epiftle of S. PAUL to the Ephe¡rans. CHAP. 6. VERS. I. Children obey your Parents in the Lord, for thie is right. Ow followeth the fecond divifon of particular pre- cepts , concerning Father and Children : for thefe refpeds are the next in antiquity, and therefore have the next place to the former. This exhortation is ab- folved in foure verles. Concerning children in the three firft, the Parents duty in the fourthverfe. TheChildrens duty is firft laid downe in the firft verfe,and backed by a reafoo; Children be fubjecll toyour Parents : The Reafon ; It isa juff thing to dap. 3. He confirmeth this Reafon by the tables of all equity, quoting Gods Commandement, which is the rule ofìighte- oufneffe;that is jufl which God hath commanded,this is Gods Com- mandement; which is, Firit, propounded. Secondly, defcribed from this, that it is the firft wich promife ; that is, firft ofthe fecond Table, or firft wich a particular promife. Thirdly, it is perfwaded from the promife annexed. Now in the firft verfe mutt be marked foure things. I. That childrenRand charged with obedience toParenrsaj' 2. That hedoth not fay, Obey thy Father, but both the Parts. 3. That he faith, in theLord ; which bath a double force, for it ftinteth obedience : and fheweth the true manner ofit. Be fubjeEl fo farre forth as theycroffe not Gods Commandement, bee fubjc6tto them, as knowing thoudealeft not with man, but God, whole Ordi- nance this is. 4. Laftly, the equityof it ; Thçfefoure things mutt be profccuted further. It