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V E R. R 676 EphefianJ, Chap.6. . Dolt. r. It isiobe marked, That children Eland charged from God to fub- je& themfelves to the Parent. Col.3.2o. Be fubjcét inall things ; and our Saviour Chriff did leave an en(ample of it, Luke a. 5 r. he was fubjcél to both, though the one was his Father reputed onely. But for the more fruitfull confidcring ofit ; you muttknow that this fob - jeEtionhath fiveprincipal) branches. r. To their inftruéltons.Prov.t. 8. and 6.2o. we mutt when they teach uslend the.eareofour hearts. 2. Vint mutt fubjeót our felves to their commands, bee it never fo homely, ifwemay doe it without fin, and that readily, in alithings, faith the Apoftle, andwe have example of Iefeph, Gen.37. r 3. HereI am, thoughhe waslent to thofethat bare him no great goodwill, yet he went roundly. tSame17.zo. Davidsexample. 3. To their correélions, for manycan indure to be toldgently, or put up a more fmart word; but forblowes, theywill not beare them : but the Scripture is plaine, Neb.13.9. r Pet.a.18. A fervant mutt a- bide the correction ofhis Mafter,though over rigorousand caufeleffe, how much moremutt a childe fubmit himfelfe tohis Fathers corre- ctione The Heathens faw it fo equal!, that going too farre on a good ground ,they did allow the Parents power oflife and deathover their children. Thepower of life is in Gods hand that 1äl1 createth it, yet Dog. 21, 8. you may fee, that if they did not profit by correction, the Parents might bring themto the Magiftrate and caufe them tobe (toned. 4. We muff obey thcm,in taking the Callings of lifeto with they trame us: forchildren are under thepower ofthe Parent tobe ordered. this way : and if the Parent be charged to bring them up in a Calling, as I thall thew you inthe fourth verfe, then children muff be fubjeét in this point; thus laeobbrought up his children to be Grafiers,as him- felfc,and 1 Sam. Annah with Elkanahsconfent, devoted Samuelto divine Miniftcry, and the outward profeffion ofthe Recabites Cal- ling , theyCooke from their Parents, and Chril (it is probable) did thew fubjeclion in this point, for one Gofpel callethhim theCarpen- ters fon ; in another theyfay, Is nor this the Carpenter e Whence it may be probably inferred, that he did worke fometime in his Fathers Handie- crafr, which Juftinof irmeth. 5. Laltly,The Parent mutt have obedience of the child in the mat- ter ofmarriage : for the reafon is plaine , r. That which is minecannot lawfully bealtered frommewithout my content who am the owner; now the child is a part ofthe Fathers quick felfe- moving fubfance. Tel 1. When the Devitt had Commit.- lion to meddle with that which was lobs, his children were compre- hended in ir. a. Againe, the Scripturedoth teach it, ; cer.7.37,38 3. Continual) pradifedoth make it evident. Abraham tookeTfaac; Ifaacappointed I4cob ; Thamar bade Ammon aske his Father thathe would give her; yea ifraelftood to his Mothers choicein this point. 4-The