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678 life 2. 3° EpheJaur, Chap.6. V E R. I bafely intrcatcd. Children obey , be fubjed to Parents , and thofe who are in the placeof Parents in correctingyou , it is not hatred but love the Scripture faith , Heb. 13.4. it will not make you fooles, but wife men , Prov. r 3.I. your proud hearts will make you foòles, our provcrbiall fpeech, Thou art a proud foole , fheweth that pride and folly arecompanions, but lowlineffe is a mother ofwifdome : So to obey corrcQion (ball make thee glorious , Pray.23. 18. but to refufe inflruétion fct on with correûion (for the word fignifiethboth) (hall make thee reproached: refuting the Parents and Tutors correcîion is the high rode to the Gallowes, whena man is a fpedacle of fhatne to God, Angels, and men: and what untowardneffc is in children, they will not take thatthey are fet to; what fclfe-willedneffe in mar riage, calling themfelves away without Parents privity, like &fan, Gen.26. Well, let us repentand amend thefe things, for fearful! is the judgement that (hall follow fuch difobedience, the Ravens ofthe val ley !hall peck outthe eyes of fuch a childe : and what became ofthat &fan, ofElies fons, of Ammon, ofAbfalom, Adoniah; did ever any profpere No, though temporali punifhment doe not (till finde them, eternal!vengeance dothnever miffc them. Wemuff be exhorted to lay up there things and praétife them,that in your Callings . and hereafter in change of your conditions, you may knowyour duties and Thewyour obedienceoffaith in them. Thefe thingsmuff be held againft the Church of Rome, who in two principles croffe this doélrine. a. They teach that a child may enter Religion, as theycall their Monkifh Orders, without his Parents confent,at 14. yearesa man, I2.a woman. 2. Though they like not blinde marriages for the conveyanceof them,yet their Counfell doth ratifie marriages, wheretheconfent oftheParent is notfought. A man mightas well juftifie theft fromprefent poffefGon : But for that other; youmuff know that the child oweth this obedience tohis Parents,to take the kind oflife they depute himto. And about this re- member three things. r. Chriffian Callings are general!, the Chriftian profeffion; or par- ticular kinds of life in which the general! is exercifed : For the firft a child mutt betake himfclfe to that profeffion of Chrifts Religion , thoughParentsbe never founwilling, and the Papiis proofs run upon this point. 2. A particular Calling theParent is bound to let his children to, and they areboundto obey him inbeing ordered this way, till either aParent do leave a childeto himfclfe, or in marriage giveth him free- dome; for then not man, but Godalfo in fome fort doth unfranchife a childas that Charter above, For this (halla man leave, doth feeme to imply, noyears doe not, the 24. ofCivili Conflitution, nor that Papifls 12. I doubt not but the termeofChrifts fubjeclion in Like2. 51. is to beextended at 3o. yeares old,and the Papifts doe greatly for- get themfelves to make children at their owne hand before they bee adultes, pall the rod , efpeciaily teeing their bla(phemous Hymnes doe!