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V ER. I. Ephefianr, Chap. 6. 679 doe not give Chrifi, now by thoufands ofyeares glorious inheaven, freedome from his mothers fubje&ion : Command thy forme by thy fclfe a mother. 3. Their Monkith orders are not religious callings, but Religion falfely fo called : they are idle bellies,and the houfesof their religion the trueftdens of theeves that ever theworld did know : for they rob King andCountrey, Creditor, Matter, Parent. Let a man get thole houfes on his backe, he is difchargedhisallegeance in fecular fervice. Let a debter get into one of their weeds, though by leave of the go- vernours, he may worke and returne fomething, yet he is not bound to it, he is dead to thisworld. A fervant ffealing thither, his Matter mutt lofehis right in him : anda child runningthither,his parent muff forgot all claime inhim. Lattly, we muff learnt hence, howobedient we muff be toour hea- venlyFather; If he wil have the parentthusobtyed,what fubjeiion i do weowe tohim who is the Father of all thefamily in heaven and earth! Let us thinke with our felves, whether God might not fpeaketo us as he did to thofeJewes, ler. 35. mayhe not fav, your children doe thus and thuswhen you bid them : how doe you ftirre atmy commandse how doe you receive my inffruitionst how doe you regard my cor- reóions a &c. Now followeth the fecond point, which is to be marked, obey your Parents, bothof them, not the Father only; which doth teach us,That we mall ofconfcience beftibjett to the mother as well as theFa- ther, Prov, 1.8. and fo we havethe example of Jacob to Rebecca, for though the circumftances are not imitable, yet the fubjeétion was commendable: foSolomon,and vacuous Rath to her motherin Law: and the holyGhof doth fo exprefly provide for the mother, becaufe her Sexbeing the weaker, the is the more fubjeet to be defpifed; for the devill will teach us tobreake over where the hedge is lowett. Again, becaufeof theirowne indulgent converting with their chil- dren; for familiarity Both breede contempt. Let us therefore learne to fubmit our felves to the mother, of con- fcience; the weaker the Sex is, a good childmutt put the more honour upon them. Many are fcarce crept out of their fhell,and yet they will bemore then halfe Mailer with the mother. It is good for the mother to thinke whether betide theconfrdcrations above this, be not the pu- nilhment of hernegleEl ofduty, as hernulling her child, her not be- ing fubje lto husband which clippeth halfe her duty, but fuch chil- dren as (hake off the yoakeofthe mother the Lord will judge. The third thing is, obey them in the Lord. Obferve then, that Our obedience to Parents mujt be in confcience of Gods Cammandement, and nofarther then is?leafing tohim: We muff love them to the Altar,obey them as farre as we can obeyGod in fodoing : which is to be marked, for we may obey them in the Lord, when they command not in the Lord; as ifa youth have a fpeciall inclination and capableneffeof lear- ning, and his parent be every way able to give it him, and feehis to- N n n z ward- Pre 4 Doí7: Yfe: )