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6g6 'I Bphefianr, Chap.6. V E R, z,3: wardneflb, theparcatmayfrnnein beftowing,him otheewifc, but he dothwell in taking that, courte of, life, which his father will traine him to : fo a parent may perverily provoke to many things, where a child may fuller without offending God : but in &full things wemutt notyeeld to them,like good Jonathan; r King. like goodvifah,rKing. 15. who did depofe his_Qeene:mother for her, Idolatries, yea like Chrift, who rather thenhewould with' carnal! refpeét of,perfons, or prevent the feafon which his Fatherhad fet for thofe miraculous workes which fhould teftifie of him, faydCOhis mother, Woman, what have-1 to doewith thee myhare is:nteyet, come, lob. 2. 4. Thoughwe muff love themdearely, yet if they come againft God, we mutt not know them, Dent. 35. reahe thathated, not Father and tiYtotber for tjssy fake,is notworthy ofme, Luke 21. r4. the wife is nearer then the parent, yet if the wife in the bofomeerfwade againft God, &c. Ffe r. Which many children, who as the old onescrow,: fo theywill follow, likeas Abaziah, z Chron. zz.4..cmark-6. Herodias beggedIohnBaptiftshead, being fchooled byher mother,: fo manyif the Parembid them lye, ufc deceite, rideon the Sabbath, runne, they will do fo. fC Z In the fecond place it mutt teach us, that no companions tunahave fuch intereft in us, as to drawus to evil!; furely our Parents areof all thedeareft, yet we mutt obey them but in the Lord : many in good natureas they count, andin kindneffe of heart, though they haveno mindetomany matters which are nought and unprofitable, yet if a companion givebutthe whiffleto them, theycannot refute him : but, fbould your father perfwade unfruitfull courfcs, to mifpend your time, youwere,not toheare it; obey Parents fo farre: as you may in the Lord, info doing, no farther. Doll. Nowtheft eafonfollowethforitiojufi : which dotbfhtwushow equal' a thing-it isy that wefbeuldbefubjell. Our boyfterous natures doe think . it ahard word, we thinkit unreafonable, but there,is nothing more squall, the heathenshave feene it, and Therefore have ended molt fevere lawes, topunifh the contumacieofchildren,as a molt notorious part of And how jufl is it that they fhould,. have: duty , to whomwe owe our (elves:" wefay to.a friend,and thinke it name, that if he have done us any fpeciall favour, we.fhould be at his command in what we are able. rte. TheUfeof it is to perfwade.usto obedience, evenas we have any care of jufl dealing: manyofus would not take fix pence, nor keepe theworth ofapenny.withus, which belongeth toanother;muchmore mutt we avoide this injuilice, to withhold obedience, wherewe owe duty. VERS.z,3. VERSE z, ;. Honour thy Father andMother,(which is theftrji Cora, mandement with Promife.) That it may bewellwith thee, . andthat thou mayfi live longupon earth. Nowhe proverb it juft, from the tables of equine. Where you have to 'confider, 3. things. r. The