V t R. t.3. Ephefianr, Chap. d. 681 T. TheCommandement. z. Thedefcription of it from the precedencie and manner of propounding it; not nakedly,but with promife. 3. Thepromife annexed : S. Paul fecmeth tocite the promife ocherwife thenhe fhould, adding in the beginning, that it maybe Well with thee; and withdrawing in the end, which the. Lord thy Godgiveth thee. Butyou muftknow that he citeth it faithfully, interpreting the meaning oflonglifepromifed, and not expreffing that whichwas cir- cumftanttall, more direétly concerning the Iew then Gentile; wbett'. God in mercy promifeth long life, he doth promife a profperous life, have welittleor havewe much, no mans profperous life ftandeth in abundance : for withoutthis, our life would be but a livingdeath, vita ?unlit vitalist and though that God give us the Land where we are, for the earthis his, and all that is therein, yet he was Land-lord ofCa- naanafter a more fpeciall mannerthen any otherpare of the earth: as hedid not onely prefcribe them their forme of religious worfhip, but did enaQ their Civil' lawes,by which theircountry was governed:now that his peculiar rightwhichhe pleated tohold inCanaan,everyone far- minghis poffeffion as it were fromhim, made the claufe added, which thy godgiveth thee. Now to open the matter of thefe words. Firft the Commande- ment it felfe, Honour thyfather, be. The fumme of this Commande- ment is that honour begiven to him to whom it belongeth. The ex- plication hath2. parts. a. Who is to be honoured. 2. What it is to honour. Generally, every one is to have honour from another, Ch. 5. 21. Rom. t z. goe one before another in givinghonour. Particularly, the Superior is tohave honour of the inferior : Supe- riors areof two forts, either aboveus in power, orin authoritie : a fu- perior in power is fuch as are fo over us, that they have power to go. verneus : they are publiqueor private: publique in Common-wealth, Kings and Queens. Deborah called amother in ifrael: and fo Kings, the heathens themfelves have called fathers of their Countries. And to this head muft be referredall magiftrates from theKing to theCon- ¡table, that a publike father is in the Church, Minifters. Paul, I Cor. 4.55. and Iudg. 57. r o. that Idolatours c eticha faith, bea Priefl and a father tome. The Superior in power private is the husband. a. The malter, for fo the Scripture calleth Matters Fathers, a King. 5. 13. And hither mull all that have matter -likepower be referred,fchoolc Mailers, Tu- tors, heads of Colledges, EliJha called Elias matter, z King. z. sa. Though he was to fucceede, yet he lived in fome fort with the Pro- phet as a Scholler with his Tutor. The third private father is thenaturali' Parent, called the Fatherof the flefh, Heb.13. g. and hithermuft becalled, grandfather, grandmo- ther, uncle, aunt, ftepfather, and all that after a fortare linked to that parent. N nn 3 The