682., Ephefian,r, Chapdó. V E R. . Capitiguanti eft reverentia Cani? Yfe I. The Superior inAuthoritie, is fuch aone, who though he have no power over us, and rule at his pleafure, yet he is in eflimarion above others, for fomething in him deferving honour: hither are referred the aged, Lev. 19. I Tim. 5. 1,2. whom we accordingly falute fathers, for a gray head in the wayof righteoufneffe, is laonourable,as thehea- thens have fcene. z. The learned. 3. Thewifeman:Gamaliel,A8.5, andthus one that bathno power, nay that isunder the power of ano- ther may be father to him, Gen. 45. 8. Iofeph was Pharaohs father. Many children have not a good word for their parents, if they Beale not with them fo liberally at their death as they deliire. 2. For the ad. Honourinjoyneth 4. things. r. Reverence, which is an inward acknowledgement,that God bath madethem our Superiors, with all outward teflifìcations:thus lofeph and Salomûi., and thus we arebid know, that is, acknowledge reverently inour hearts thofe that are over US Thef 5.12. 2. Obedience to the naturali parents, you have heard to Miniflers, Heb. 13. 17. 3.Loveof them,which is alfo injoyned to their Minifler, Have him in ungular love; a Thef. 5. 13. Now love to the parent bath many duties. CIt covereth Infirmities. It is Patient. It maketha man indeavour towin favour, by doing them all kindnefí'es. It prayeth or them. I Ic doth require their love, Mat. 15.6. a piece of honour, thankfulnetïe, 1 Tim. 5. praékifed by Iofph, and Chriftonthe erotic. It dothwith their continuance,Ruth,and as file Paid, Let my Lord King Davidlive forever. 4. ToHonour Parents.is fo to live as may credit and adorne our pa- rents. Childrenare the crowneof their Parents, a foolifh fonne fha- mcth his mother. And this muff further be marked, that thefe things are not only to bedon,while the Patent liveth,but fofar as we areable after dearh; we muff reverence them, remembring them reverently, and with thankefulneffe to God. 2. Obeying them, in remembring their counfells and prefrdents, love; in ufing fuch lovingly, who were deare to them; indoing all offices of love toward them, which may be for their credit, as fatisfying their debts; in living fo that all men may after their heads are laid, bleffe them in us. To reprove many who arefull ofcontempt to their Parents,inAlead of reverencing diem, they will be haile fellow well met : fometimes young ones that are a little for company and apparel! lifted up above their countrey training, they are all-lamed of that mean¢ and homely condition of the parent. Sometime if the parent miftake in a phrafe or tearme, they will laugh at it in them. So for love, the Proverbe is not for nothing, it defcendeth, it afcendeth not, one parent to a hundred children: