r- V E R. Z. Epheana, Chap.5. Children: for theyare churlifh: Yea tome are found , that will put their naturali Parents in fuire for trifles. They are againe careleffc of them, live in the fame towne with them, and by the quarter not have them home, nor vifit them : forgetting rhankfulneffe , and like birds when theycan flye and finde their meare, they regard not the old ones any longer. Yea fome that long to be dealing with that they Fidlerate di- have, and fee themwell buried, like Ef:u ; and after death they will 9m Ref not fatisfie their debts, and fomake their names flinke : and if you tell oeid.met. them when they tread contraryReps to theirParents;they live by laws not by example. Wretchesthat delight to call dung in the face of the Parent, infiead of giving them that honour that God required). So pupils that have no reverence ofTutor, nay they will limper before him, and make a Pageant playof him behinde his back. No love and thankfulnefi'e, longer then with them , whereas thankfulneffe fhouldeverbegreene; they should like David, when lornuL'aa was dead, ask if there were,&c. Others fo living that they are the fhame ofthe Tutor, furely they had not fo good example, theywere not fo looked to as theyfhould. And for honour to our Teachers in life, after death remembring them with reverence, and lookingwhat po- ficrity they have that we may thew love to the deceafcd parent in them, there is not a fhadow of this amongft us. Finally, no reverence of young toold, that we may well live in the dayesof fuch as are difobedient toparents. And though we live under gracious govern- ment, yet this vice is as rife as ifwe had an Anarchy , the v;le riling againe, and honour noman. But let fuch know that Gods curfe will finde them, Curfed is he that maketh light of Father or Mother, and all the people fhall fay, Amen. It mutt alwayes be before us, when wefinde others vile inour eyes, Yfe s: whofoever goe one before another giving honour, when wee finde our hearts not with reverence refpecting our Parents , that wee are aboutto fhoote out any 1peech, which is a fpecch of the leaft difho- flour to any Superiour, let this come before us; Honour, &c. that as it may draw us to repenton theone fide, fo it may teach usthe ubedi- encti of faith on the other. The Papills doe many wayes crofl'e the obedience of this Com- 3 mandement: for the Father of the Countrcy to whom every foule is to be fubjeCt according to the flea), that is the outward man; They plead exemption from the fecular authority: for the Churches ho- nour they fpeakeenough : For as they cut the skirt of the Common- wealth, fo they inlarge their owne fringes, giving to Parr what they rob fromPiul, as we fpeake in the Proverb : But for honour to Pa- rents, they doe bydonaries to Churches, Altars, by their Corbans, oblations to God, Saints, for foules in Purgatorie, fo milke them,that they often are not able toyeild their naturali Parents due benevo- lence, that this way maybec faidwhat Chrift faith ofthe Pharifee, Mat. r 5.15. Againe, by their entring Religions which they put in the power of the I