681. Epbefianr,Ghap.6. VE11.3. 4. Dole. 2. VERSE 3. 2. the child, they free one from relieving the Parents; Indeed they grant that in cafe ofextreame neceffity a man may leave his profeffion to minifter to Parents, but as we fay,while this graffegroweth the Steed flarveth, for this point is then feene when help is too late. Laftly, we mutt hence learne, how God muttbe honoured. It muft be marked that he faith , This isthefrll, and delivered with promife :which doth let us fee withwhat care we mull keepe it: for that which is firli inplaceand of principal ufe and reckoningmay have the firft refpeCt, it is the key to all the other, for if this be kept all is well, if not, whythen every one willbee foone broken. Now that which is firft told us, and which is not propounded but hath promife, mutt be more regarded: above he laid it was jufte ca. 3.r o. he faith it is pleating toGod : here he faith it is the fiat Commandement, it hath apromife going with it : a fourefold cord fhould not eafily bec broken. VERSE 3. That it may be wei1 with thee, and that than maifi live long uponearth. Now followeth the reafon, which doth teach twothings. r. Particular concerning children, and them in fubje lion, 2. Concerningus all. That obedience to Parents is a way that leadeth to a long and happy life, looks at Jacob, Solomon, at Ruth , theRecha6ites, for firft it is equall that fuch as honour thofe by whom they receive life, the authors under God, and maintainers ofit, they thould have thefame prolonged. a. Thofe that live in obedience governing in the way of profpe- rity : for Pray.6.23. the Commandement is a light. Now as wee wonder not if aman that maketh much ofhimfelfe,looking to whole- fome diet,&c. have his bodywell becaufehe ufeth that memo, 3. Obedient children caufe their Parents heart often to be lifted up to God in their behalfe, and have their Parents bleffing, which is a meane under Godprocuring thefe things, therefore in Exad. honour them that theymay lengthen thy dayes: for thoughwe cannot blcffe extraordinarily,and infallibly foretell what thall befall our children, yet we may feekeat God, and pronounce them blell'ed, and probably foretell by a common fpirit ofdifcerning : for many Parents prove now adayyes tootrue Prophets. 4. Laftly, the obedient Children are commonlyof fuch difpofici- on asthat God is for them , they are meeke to whom bee bath given hisword, they limit poffeffe rheearth, though men put them to the wall as the weakeft. And this dothmeet with the vaine thoughts ofmany youths, that think pride and flomackfulneffe and difdaining all yoake to be their onely way to rife by, though experience teacheth that fuch courfes have caufedmany ro be difnherited. Againe, many Parents are here met with, as they would not have their children rake. he's : fo they love.not to fee them ofany fpeciall for-