VE R.3. phefaan.r,Chap. 6. 685 forwardncffa:: for theythinke that it is an ill liigne, theywillnot long live, as they take ir. But though God may take a good child timely, when the Parentis unworthy,when God feeth that ftanding,hewould be.morecorrupted,or when he wil not let him feejudgements he hath to bring, thoughGod may thus fowetime take a good child, yetobe- dienceandtowardlineffehath thepromife ofprofperityand length of dayes. And it doth let children fee whatthey may looke for : ifthey have 3: givenhonor,good: but ifnor, the contrary judgments will findethem. Note hence ingeneral], What is the true wayofthriving, walking in pa. 2. the. way ofGads. cammandemcnts. If one beof fuch force,, what is the confcionable, indeavour of yeilding obedience to them all Looke Deut.5.29. this-sólimonoften teacheth,; Wifdome , the beginningof which is the feareofGod, bringeth length ofdayes, profperity, ma- keth thenavel! ftrong,fupplieth.the;bones,hath lengthof dayes in one handisprofper-ity, inanotheris a tree of life, is the flefh : And for this prefentlife nothing is fo helpful! as keeping in the Com- mandements, for they keepe us from all filch things as are hurtfull; gluttony, drunkenneffe, uncleanneffe , covetous care , inordinate al- fè tions,which are things that hurtnot the fouleonely,but overthrow theflare of our bodies. a. Theydoeteach us wholfomewayes.. 3. Theydo bring us to have further-fellowfhip. with himwho is our,life,and the lengthofour dayes, wholegrace tatted is the onely Cordiali that can keepe us frefh and renew our age ; we fce examples hereof in Deut. 34.7, in Numbers 14.1o.of liaafes andCaleb. Wherefore thisdoth convince themoft, as takinga wrong way to rf. thewood ; fome feeke Patrons onwhom they hang their hopes, fome heapeupmoney, force watch themfelves for diet, force by right and wrong feeke to rife to forceelate , whereas the only way istokeep the. Commandements ; feeke for righteoufneffe , this will bring all things. What.doemen for their bodiese they will, ufe me- divine, goe to baths-in themoft remote parts : but ifwee could keepe us dole to God, we Ihould doe two things at once ; provide for thaw lifewhich is eternal! , and attaine a better conftitution of body for the prefent. Ifone had a trencher-Phyfitian, nay, couldcommand a Colledge ofthem, they.could not all doe that which the endeavour to walkealwayes righteoufly,will performe. But three things will be laid againft this truth. r. That many wicked, ones have in profperity and life larger por- obj.1: bons then godly. Aptfw. Theirhappineffe,differeth as much from true, as a dreame ofa thing from the fubftance ofit. Againe, Their laft difhdoth fpoyle the feaft. Thirdly,there is afecret poyfon whichdoth kill them,(even Gods curie) in themidit of profperity. Somepoyfonkilleth byvatting in- to fleepe, with laughing,&c. It