6$¢ Ephefian.r,Ghap.6. VER.3. obj. 2. obj. 3. It is faid that Gods children often neither have great wealth nor good health, norlong life. Anfiv. Their happy conditionfiandeth not in abundance, no mans life, the profperity of life : A midling little Nagperformeth ajourney as well as agreat Demie- launce. a. Gods children wanting thefe things muff be diftinguifhed into a threefold rank. T. Many thereare that as yethave them not,which !hall feafonably in this lifebe made partakers of them. Now if I faythe Sun fhal rife to morrow, it is true, ifit rife at noone, ora little before the evening : So thofe promifesare made true, though agreat part of the life be over- fpread with clouds of poverty andinfirmities, and this isno unufuall thingwith God, who trieth his children that he may dogood tothem in the latter end. a. ManyofGodschildren havenot thefe things, not becaufe they arenot given to godlineffe , but becaufe we fall into ungodlinefFe ei- ther after grace, or havebeforewe knew Godsgrace done that which God fecth meet thus temporally to correEt. Looker Cor. jr. as God may forgive that fin, andnot releafethe temporall chattifement which belongeth to it, andthe molt are in this order : They mutt not therefore difenable the godly courfe towhich theyowe all that bief- fing they have, but blame their owne ungodlineffe , when they reape that correction which themfelveshave fowed. 3. But thirdly,it willbe faid, that tome in whom there is no fuch particular offences are foon taken away. Gen. 5. Enofh , and may live miferably; L4,ersee, He6.r r. Azfiv. Thefe are rare,and have thefe wants recompenfed in a more amplepoffeffïon of things heavenly in that life eternall by which way God doth pay them with ufe whatfoever outward thing might beexpeâed. It may be faid, be it fo that keeping the Commandementswould bring us tobleffedneffehere, yet all the craft is in the catching: for the Law promifeth nothing but to perfe& fulfillingofit, which wee cannot. vexfie: As we fcape the curie ofthe Law bybelieving on Chrift: fo we attame the promifes by believing on him, in whom all the pro- mifesofGodare yea and Amen. Forour works are covered accep. ted, rewarded throughfaith on him, as our perfons are by thefame accepted, grace freeth us from the rigour ofthe Law, thereforethe fame promifes are renewed to imperfect indeavours which wee are able to make, Mar.6. and t Trm.4.8. Aueff. But doe our works procure thefe things, as they fhould un- der the Lawhave done e Anfo. No theywere motives andcaufes procuring, nowthey are rewarded as fruits ofa perfon who is received tograce in Chriff , and therefore an heireof biding, they be conditional) correquifits, not caufes. VERSE 4.