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688 3. Daté. Ephefians, Chap.6. E R. 4. And léttcth children fcewhat equitiewelhall find with our heaven- ly Father. Now followeth the parties, iiO öne child that muff notbe grieved, but indefinitely, Provoke notyour chi ldrex, teaching that The Parentlike afeelion and dutiesof love, mwfli he affardedone childas Iva atr another, Some arc fo indulgent to force one or two, that theycould put them in their bofomes, and know not how to makeenoughof them, but of others they are careleffe : and fo in theirfavours theyare asunequalls, givingto force one allin a manner: and toothers as if they were bale borne, rather then legitimate children : thus/pee was partiallyaffected to his Lfau, thus David impotently loved his 4..4dfolon. And it is to be marked, how that our corrupt natures are ready to doate, not on thofe that are the beft, buton fuch as have the lcaft grace. As it is commonly feene, that fuchchildren as are of outward parts and the nimblefl head, thofe goe away withall the love, when thofe of better defer is and hopes in wayofgrace, are neglefted. Wherefore remember that the patently love mutt be extended equallyto your children : Doe not likeEagles which turne force out oftheir ncft, andbringup otherfome. I would manydid like them in regardof their tryall, but asthe refped of child-hood is in them all alike, fo letthem be handled accordingly: not that there may not be a preemince in love, but the Scripture alloweth it, and a double por- tion, but let not thedifferenceof more and leffe, take away the fob- fianceof apatently love : the fame difference that v hraham made twixt Ifaac, and his concubines children, doe men now make twixttheir legitimate iffue. Now followeth the duty tobe performed bythem, vie. to educate them. a. The manner of it,in doctrine and information; amplified bythe Author,the Lord. Somemake thedifference ofwe/s4xsc,9 :t, to be civili inftitutionand religious. But that in the Lord, feemeth to belongatwell todoChine as the other. This fenfe therefore in this tranflation is the ficteff retained. See that you doe not onelyavoyd unkindneffe, but bring them up, and let not the backe and belly be all your care, but fobring themup as feeding their foules with inftru ti- on : and doe not otiely teach them to knowthings,but byadmonitions fatten in their mindesand affedioas the things they underffand, and let your doctrine and admonitionsnot befuch whichyour owne wife- dome doth fuggeft, but fuch as God doth teach you in his Word. The firft of thofe wordsmay be read , and is (as I take it) otherwife to beconfired here, viz; for correEtion : fo is it taken in the rat' of the Neb. 9. and i Car. a a. And the Apoffle ufeth twoother words, sdy , not this, to my remembrancethough in the r.tothe Rornans,thereis maims for an inflruétor, and the fecond word you have in the T. to the Calofsiens the end,tranflated,we admonifh. Now then the fenfe is this, though I bid you not provoke them unjuftly to anger, yet you mull not runneon theother hand to cocker them, but bring themup with correétion and admonitions, notfuch as