V E ß. 4. Ephefanr,Chàp. 6. as your prepoflerous difpleafure would take, or fuch as your owne wifedome can fuggefl, but fuchas the Lord doth teach in the wife- dome of his Word. The things to be markedare three. i. The duties that parents owe their children : Now theft maybe called to 4. heads, and all the 4. found in the Text. i. To Education. a. Provifion. A little to open them: 3. Inftrudion. g. Corrm bon. r. Parents mull bring up their children, which I conceive as taken up in giving them foode and raiment, and fuch like neceffaries for fu- flainingof them: and here the mother hath a fpcciall part, till three yeareold,with her nurferie, though thefather may be faid ro educate them, for he that keepeth the nude keepeth the childe, and this point of education God hath made helpefull to the foule of the mother; for by bearing children, that is through thefaithfull andpatient endu- ring of the trouble, in breeding, bearing, bringing forth, and bringing up, fhe (hall walke as in a way to Salvation. a. It is a naturals thing. 3. It is a curfewhen Gad fendeth dry breads in difpleafure, Hofea at. 14. therefore to dry up our owne unfeafonably is a double curfe; as if God flrike one with death in his wrath, it is a eurfe, but if one kill himlelfe, it is more heynous; and Sareh, Gen. ar. 7. fhe tooke this to lye upon her, as fure as fhe had brought forth a fonne, that fiewas to nurfc it. So joyntly after they mutt raffe them up, further and further by education, andhe that doth not this is worfe then the ravens, for they will feede their young, and flic with them till they can finde for themfelves. a. Theymuff provide for their children, parents mull notonely fu- thine them for thepeel be ftoxen, and as God fhall bleffe them lay up before-hand to helpe them hereafter, as with fome flocke, when they flailfet up daughters with dowries; and at death, a Car. ta. 14. For God maketh me owner of all that I have, fo that I am a Feoffee of [Tuft for others, and though the poffetïion is mine inrirely, yetout of cafesof necefficie, I am flinred in the ufe to a part, Ecdef. 5.10 . When God cleated) moll bountifully, a man muff but take his part, this is a fecond dude, which mull thus be underkood, that future , mull not let us from taking prefent neceffaries, and that is neceffarie for one, that is finfull fupertluitie in another, and he that bath not thispointof provifion, may goe to fchoole to the Ants. 3. Weowe them Inftrudion: now this is civil!, or religious. I. Theircivill inftrudion is taken up in 3. things. In looking to their manners,that they carry themfelves, At home, Abroade, Before our felves andothers,comely. For as I told you inthe endof the tallchapter,curteûe is a Chrif}ian 0 o o venue, 68.9