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VER. i}.. Ephefianr, Chap. 6. 691 fort hem, or they arcworfe then Ants. 3. Muff inf ruá them in man- ners, literature and fome calling, or they arework then heathen. 4. Becaufe they doe not onely ayme at this to have their children members of fome Corporation, but Citizens of heaven, they muff teach them the doctrine of Salvation, elfe their righteoufncffe Both notexceede the heathens_. S. Becaufe that the former will not fucceede without di cipline, they muff give them in good manner fit correaion. Now to apply this, it meeteth with many in wayof reproofe : for rf i. not to fpeakeof fuch monfersas fometime bellow their children un- der (tails : how many frnneagainft this, bringing up their children by neglect of nurcerie, not caringhow fleightly they put it off, if them. felvesare(hut of that trouble, info doing they hinder their owne fal- vation : for he that putteth away Phyfickebeing fick, hurteth hisown life, and accordingly we may fee how their foules are filled with an evil! fpirit : for puttingby Gods yoake, they grow to paffe their times in idle talking, goffopping, this or that merry meeting, and thus while ¡their flefh will feele no fowre, they lofe the fweetc of grace in their foule. Again, they breakeup the bounds of nature, for Lam. 4. 3. the very dragons or fea-calves draw the breafts forthand give flicke : infuchthereforeas for pleafute, cafe, trifling profits neglect it, the fin is grievous. But you will fay, if it be fuch a necef'arie thing, why is it not,ex- Ot jetif. preffely commanded Some thingsare fo natural!,that they are taken as granted; nor ex- vlf. prefíelycommanded : the Scripture cloth not fay,Thou (halt love thy felfe, yet it taketh this as granted,when it faith, Love thyneighbour as thy felfe : for this is a molt naturali thing, written about thynipples, written in the wife and colourof the milke. Befide that unleffe you will have the mothers duty not taught here is a precept, fhe mull bring itup : ifnurceric be not a part of education, let her pleade exemp- tion. There are many parents that riot out all their increafe in fellow- 4. (hip, gaming,&c. and bid to morrow prophanely cam for it fclfe, they fing careaway. Many neglect looking to the manners of their children, they 3; are rude, they can likethofe cuffedchildren, call bald - head;nickname, Çweare, curfc. Again, fomethat are able will not bring them up to reade. Others let them be as idle as they can hang, which loth fill ,Gaoles,whichwas the fiat groundof vagrants; which maketh fuch (tore of idle hufwives, who know not how to get a penny, if they laynot their body topawne. But fome they thinke they have done enough if they havebrought them to beable to (hilt, and live men in this or that Corporation; they have care of inftruFing them, tel- ling their children they are loft, how Chrift came to feeke that was loft; whatduty they owe in way ofthankefulnef'e, and for correaion; the age is fo indulgent, that like as Apes doe their young, they kill all 0 o a with