692 4400121, Cbapdó. V E R. Yfe z. D. Doll. with kindneffe. Thus Tutcns likewifc they nurture not their pupils mannerly, as their rude carriage in the Churches may teftifre; they inflruét them not in learning , which maketh them fometime bole mote in Grammar learning then theygather in Univerfity knowledge. But for Religion, how rarearc thole who are Fathers to theroutesof them, teaching them thethings that concerne their peace a and this is the fountaine ofall mifery : the Switzers Law forefaw his who en. aâed, that if achild was condemned to dye , the Parent fhould exc. cute him, becaufe that negleét in Parents is the fountain ofall the racke of their children. I know a Preacher of righteoufne.fic may have a Cham, and a Seneca maybe a Tutor toa Nero ; butufually this is the rootc ofall cvill,and that ingoodmen°therwife, as Eli, David: Hedoth not trouble the houfe onelythat is a Lyon , a covetous mi- fer, a prodigal! mailer, but he that negledeth infttuttion and difci- pline : this maketh thole that fhould be Cordials to our age become Corrafives,thofe that fhould beornaments to us for verrue, become gulfes ofmifchiefc : and when things arc thus, then wee complaine and fay, Who ever had lochchildren, fuchpupils! thank thy felfe. If men fhould let a horfe run in the fields till 8. pares old unbroken, and then when he wouldnot be backt,fhould fay, Who ever law fuch a Jade r whatwould another anfwer, You fhould have taken himup betime, andgiven him to fomecunning Rider, then hee would now have obeyed the bridle,and paced it pleafantly : So,&c. This muff teach us our duties henceforward, not to locke tobacke and bellie, and matterof inheritance, butto fee that the foules of our children be inftru6ted and ordered bydifcipline. We are carefull to procure midwiferia that theyoung infant may haveevery part harmo- nioufly knit in it, we are angry if there fall out throughnegligence the !call difproporrion. Let us help the gaping fpirit which is feparate fromGod , which is disjoynced in it felfe, that reafon and appetite fighting together, let us knit thefe joynts by timely inflruilion. Atfecondthing muff bee marked in this word admonition : forthe force of it is fuch as that it noteth a fafning this or that upon the whole minder teachingus, That we muttnot be content t9fee tkemknow, but muff labour tore their hearts entertain theft. things, working it upon them by admonition. Thou (halt repeat, Deut.6.7. Thou (halt not (imp- ly recite,but fo as lettingan edge upon them,that they m: y Itrikedeep. And in outward things the Parent will finde twenty wayes to make a childdo this orthat, Good children will do thus : theywill givethem Poch a thing; their brother willdoe it before, &c. But the Lord teach us ro till them on to loveand praltife thefe thingswhich onely can make thembleffed. Lafily,we fee here laiddewne, That all our dealings with children mull befueh its theni[dome ofthe Lord teacheth in his word. Ifwee cor- allor advifeout ofour owne wikiome, we doe but offer to call our Satan with Satan. Againe, our children areas foolifh as wilde Afle colts by nature, void of heavenly underftandingmow what wifdome can