V E R, 4.. Ephefians, Chap. 6. 093. can recover them, but this which is the Lords, and this Word of his, this loth beget them to becomeas feed to God. This thereforemutt teach us to fee that our inftruétions , counfels Pf r. be all fuch as we have learned ofGod in hisWord, and this let us be- times teach them. Idolaters will teach their little ones rokiffe their Idols. Againe, ifwe be carefull ofthehealthof their bodies, that we will not let themdrink hot things, nor eat fowre things, nor any way diftemper it for them,(for that contrary werefome degree ofmurder) howcarefull muff we be that the milkeof their foule befincere , that they hearenothing from us, nor fee nothing in us but according to Gode For the foulesof our children feed at thecare and eye, on that they heare and fee , as the body feedeth on the breaft by the mouth. And it convinceth fuchas will teach others craft lying, teach them Vfe 2. tobreake the Sabbath, gaming, yeadelight to fee their little ones un- feemelily tumbling together , as ifthey would have them learne the devils Catechifmc without booke: It may be fome will bleffe theme - felves from thefe things: God forbid they fhould thus poyfon the foules of their children. But what wholefome food doe yougive theme doeyouinftru& them,call on theme Ifyou doe not, you mar- cher their foules as well as others. If a mother fhould not givea child any poyfon, ÿet if the fhould let it lyeand never give it any fucke , fhe fhould kill the babe, not bygiving it poyfonfull meare, but by letting it want due nourifhment. Thefe are the duties joyntly of both Pa- rents. But they will mule thefe matters fometime from the unto- wardneffe and unteacheableneffe of children: fometime from the tenderneffe ofyeares, theyare notcapable : fometime from bufineffe : fometime they will aske,what ferve the Minifters fore Now if we fhould reade incorreclion and admonition, then .befide that which hath beene fpoken, another thing may be marked, viz. That we mufa joyneadmonition withgiving correclion : not bite with fi- Doe lence, nor give ftrokes without a word, which maymake the partie corre Ied fee his fault, and come to amendment : as in the publique chaftifement of Magiftracie, there goeth eviction of the fault and a word ofadmonition , before the execution is ferved ; fo in private correction the fame order : and we fhould be too injurious to negleâ it, for we beat not a dog, but fo farre aswe can we put into his fenfe the fault he isbeaten for. It is good to doe asmothers , if a childe heedlefly fall into the dirt, they doe not let him lyeand beat him, but fiat they help them up, and fettleall things about them well; and then teach them to looke totheir feet better : So firft help them up byad- monition and inftru lion, then rememberthem withcorrection : And thus one thing anfwered, we will leave this verfe. oue¡i. For whereas thefe are duties of Parents and away of their falvation, it maybe asked,What is tobe Paid to fuchwhom God hath not bleffedwith any children ! ..,injro. They muff not take occalon hereby of further ilethly 0003 liber-