VERSE 5, DOE Rphefian,r, Ghap.6. V E R. 5. liberty, but mutt do that which is proportionable to educating three wayes. r. They muff be humble themfelves under this want which is the want ofa temporali blefling ; and take occafion by it offurther repentance, fo making a Chriftian venue of their neceflity. a. Fathers muff not revell with their fubffance , nor mothers live like idle perlons and bufrebodies for want of this em- ployment, but they muff fave the matter of their efface and depute fome as adopted children , and be hclpfull in educatingothers. 3. Theymuff whether marriedor unmarried, being exemp- ted from there troubles, double their devotions toward God, 1 Cor.7.35. Thus much concerning the dutiesof the fecond rank belonging to the man and wife. VERSE 5. Servants beobedient onto them that be your matters ac- cording to the flefh,with feare and trembling, in finglenetfeofjour hearts, ,ts unto Cbrifl. Thus we are come to the Tait parcel!, his particular exhortations, concerning fervants,and Matters : which rcfpe t came in betide na- ture, and is letfe ancient then the former. The Apoflle fetteth downe the duty ofthe fervantto theninth verge; thenofthe Matters. In the fervants duty two things. a. The thing tobedone. z. The reafons. The thing reacheth to the endof the feventh verfe, and hath in it twoprincipall members. r. The obedience it felfe. z. Themanner, in three points. 1. Withfeare and trembling. z. With fingleneffe. 3. With readineffe ofminde. He beginnethwith theduty, and 1. Setteth downe the perlons that owe it, Servants. 2. Theduty they owe, beobedient. 3. Theperfins to whom they do owe it, to the n wafters, whore authority is limited from the fubjeEl of it, viz, that they are Mailers according to the flelh, or outward man. Thefirft thingto be marked is , That ferments fiand chargedfrom God,vlth dutiful! obedience. Two things muff beopened. r. What we meane by fervants. a. What we infold in this, that they mutt obey. For the firff,fervice is a fineoffubjeétion , grounded partly in the curie ofGod for fin ; partly in Civil! conflitution : for though it bee not a liinfullcondition, yet it is a miferable condition , which entreth through