IV E x. 5. Ephefians,Çhap.t5. through finse.Now fervants are either more flavifh,orelfe more free and liberali : the firer are fuch whofe bodies are perpetually put under the power of the Matter, as Blackmores withus ; ofwhich kinds fer. vants are made fometime forcibly, as incaptivity : fometime volun- tarily, aswhen one dothwillingly make himfelfe over: fometimena- turally as the childrenof fervants are borne the Raves oftheir Ma- tters; and this was the morefrequent kinds of fervice, wherein parties are upon certaine termes or conditions for a certaine rime onely under the power ofa man : fuch are our Apprentifes, Journeymen, maide- fervants,&c. Now becaufe there were mercenary fervants as well as bond-men, in there times we muff conceive all forts offervants here fchooled by the Holy Ghoft. For the fecond,you muftknowgeneral- ly that our obedience Bothnote a fuhjeflingofour foules in all things, Tit. a. whether they command in Gods name the religious carriage ofour outward man, or any thing concerning domeflicall affaires,no- thing is excepted which is not finfull : for if wee were the vafTals bought with money, that muft not be yeilded to. Gen. 39. Iofephs ex- ample refufinghis Miflreffe in her unchaftnefie. a Sam.z r. Souls fer- vant, nut yeilding to run upon the Priefts. But for more particular dire&ion three things are here to he con- ceived inwhich they muff obey. a. Theymutt fuffer themfelves to he direéfed in their bufineffes and the things they goe about by their Matters ; his command is thy watchword. (2441.8. I (faith theCenturion) am a man in authority, and I fay to one, goe, he goeth, come, and he cometh, doe this, hec Both it. Andwhen God doth lay this upon the Mailer andMiftreffe, to give diredlion, as isgathered by proportion, Prov. 31. r 3. he will then have the fervants be fubjea, which is to be marked offuch relic- conceited ones, as thinke nothing will doe well, but what they take up of their owne head. a. Theymuff obey them in correEtions whetherbyword orblow, ifrebuked, they mutt not mumbleand anfweragaine, z. Tim. ifcor- reded,they muff humble themfelves under it, Gen, r 6. yea though the governours would caufelefly and beyond meafure takeon, yet they mull be indured, r Pets. t 8, 3. We muff Rand to their allowance indiet, apparel!, for liberty; for the Matter is tomeafure thefe things to us, we are not to be our ownecarvers, Pov.3. r 3. Ifthey be fuch as through unmercifullhard- nelfe trouble the houfe, (foras he Paidof the Maffilians, it isbetter be their fheepethen children: fo it may be faidof force, it is better bee their horfe then fervant) ifthey be thus, wee may relieve our felves withmeekecomplaints to the Magiftrate, who areboth their Mailers and owners. This therefore thus opened doth thew how reproveable the courfe ofmany is, whoif they bee bid doe a thing : will fometime denie, fometime fay, well, butdoe nothing, who if they becalled to religi- I ous duties, thinke they are notbound to any thing , but to doe their worke 493' vf.