Baynes - BS2695 B289 1643

VE 5. Eplbefranr, Chap.6. 697 The third thing tobe marked is that theft who are over its, haveno DA power, tat over thebodiesan,$ vatward man of stn. All the power of a man doth but reach unto the body, yea all that a Magiftrate can doe, either as a Magiftare or Chriftian, it is butto thebody, as to bring us to thatoutwardcónförmitie, to keepe the tongue from (wearing, to dcbarreopen things, prophaning theSabbath : therefore as we aretit'e fervaats of men, (owe are r or, we arebodily,but free in fpirir, r Oar. 7. z ;. and lam. q.. n. there isbut one Lawgiver, for all that manCan command is proportionable to his rewardorpnnilhment : now his re- ward is temporali, and the worft of his punifhmenttah but kill the body. Though therefore man bath no power over the body, but in God, yet the utmoft of his power is bounded in 'the outward man. Which is comfortable to fervants. Yfe is Doch rebuke thevoluntary thraldome in many that dot not yeeld 2: their bodies only, but pin their fpirits on the fleeves of men, like thofe in Hof. 7.3. that would doeany thing ro rejoyce Princes : firth as are now a daies common frnoake-fellers, Paralices, that will pia fcífe theywill doe it if luth aOnebid it, their religion than beatthe Kings is. Laftly, it takethaway the cxcufeoffer rants, whowill not be yol- ked with religiousorders, they thall anfwere for themftilves,faith can. 3; not be forced, their conscience istheir owne, Matters arebut Mat els ofthe body. t.,.infw. Matters (hall anfwer for their fervattt, if they faileindutic towards them. z. Though faith and your confciehCt is free,yet your bodieis not free, and therefore your mallet mttft corn- pelt the outward man to conforme it felfe unto Chriftia t'cnurfts, and ifhegoe thus farce his duty is dilcharged. Again,hence mutt be marked, tbai it is tree enorrNb to *key, ifme doe Deli: it not reverently; be fubjec`t with fcare and trembIng: for when God will have a wife feare her husband e tatowmuch more-tneete is it that fervants fhouid walke in feare and trembling toward their matters, in a lovingcare left they Mould offend theme z. In liwe and dread of their difpleafure. 3. In the due reverence, which we have of them, being in fuch place over us by Gods providenCt; for thefel. are the grounds of this féare; the last, fee rTim. 5. E, And in the s ofSam.. r z. 18. it is fayd ofDavids fervants, they feared to tell himneWts which they thought wouldbe grievous: and Abrahami't taint with what carefull feare he executed his matters charge. Arid Contrary, hereunto is thatcontempt which is ratified of Hagar, fhedefpìfed is ran: and that carelefneffe which is in many, how their bufineffes fpeede. And this Both rebuke many who are malepert, and fo fawcie that Yfe r. theyfcornetobeirranyawe, that is for Preetifcboyesin their firft yeares. Many will give cap and knee,butthey are voydof beanie re -' verence: many ofthe bei} fervants are molt tainted inthis kinde, that they doe like leak, z. Sam. rg. S. after agood. piece of fervice they will