Doll. t. V Ephefian.r,Chap..G. VER.j.I will be fo peremptorie and fawcie in termes as is not tolerable, letting light by their fervice, twitting them with that they have done for them, we muff both be obedient and heartily reverent that will bee Chriflian fervants. Remember with what feare we muff ferve God, who muff ferve earthly mailers with trembling, Mal, I. Hrb. r s. ult. The fecond propertie is,that their obedience muff be infingleneffe and uprightneffeofheart, which isamplified by 3. circumflances. t. The Perlon to whom afingle heart looketh inobeying, to Chrtfl. 3. The worke which is fet downeby the oppofite, not eyefer- vice ar men pleafers, but doing the will of God: that is, yeelding obedience of faith inwardly, as well as doing that their mattersbid outwardly. 3. From the manner,from theSaule. Thus he commeth to the thirdQualitie of their obedience,which is fat downe with the groundof ir,by wayof prevention, their fervice mull be with good will : which though it be hard, if they looke to man, yerif they lave not man fo much as God in man, it will be ea- fie; and the rcafonof all followeth from Gods recompenfe. The fum then is, as if Paul had faid, You muff not oncly b- reverent, but muff doe whatfoever you doin uprightneffe. without diffimulation, looking at Chriff,not manonely,not contentingyour felves with the outward worke which man taketh knowledge of : much leffe with fuch fervice as is meafuredby the eye of your mailer, over. looking you, which is the cuftomeof men pleafers; but locking further to doe the will of God, when you obey the will of man, and that not formally in thew, but from the foule. You muff fee that you be not onely reverent and upright in your.ebcyingofthem: but you muff further lave them with heart and good will, which though it be hard, becaufe mailers fometime.arc wayward. and utrjuff toward you, yet it will be eafie, if you look not at your maffers,butatthe Lord whom you ferve in them; and left you fhould thinke thatin thus doing you Mould lofe your la- bour, affure your felves that God will pay yougood wages, he will fce you recompenfed, v. 8. Firft,then we fee, that whatfaever fervice we yecld it mull bejingle hearted;all that aChriftian doth mat be fo,his wholecourfe,Pfa. r S.I. Ali. 2. 44. for this is a thing with which God is delighted, Pp/. S t. 6. Truth in the reines thou art delightedwith. Now this principally is Peen when we Rand not uponoutward fhewes in our fervice to rhem,noryet Nerve them with any finifter end, as feeking our felves, but approving our felves principally to God, and next feeking the good of them every way. This therefore cloth rebuke a great dudeof counterfeite fervice amongftus :_,for howmany are there that ferve their mattersonely for their owneadvantage, becaufe they can make it a fweete fervicet Now though one may have fome confederation of himfelfe, yet when