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V E R. 6. Sphefans,Chap. 6. when principally or onelyhe lookethat this, he fervethwith ahollow ': hcart,like the Priefl, No pennie, no Pater miller; and many doe fo look to their valles, that their gleanings arc better fometime then their ma- tters harveft. Again, the untruth in their dealings Both convince this a. guileful) fervice. Many that are our onely chapmen, fo will winde in 3. with cuhomrrs that they will be ferved withno other then fuch an one : but what is their ende they are kinde to their mailers cuftomers, as vlbfolon to his fathers fubjeels, to this end, that if they fee up they may carry all with them; tollinganother mans pigeons to their owne lockers. Againe, the gargling their mailers , like ziha, 2 Sam. 4 16. 3. Acuftomer takethhimIdle ill ufed,hardly dealt with, you )hall have a hollow fmooth companion will fay, they are but fervants, though it might be thus and thus, yet their matter mutt make his owne price, loading their mailersbacke with any thing odious. Finally, the difloialtie of men once out of fervice Both teílifie they . never ferved with foundneffe of heart, for that dude would be con- fiant, whereas many now will beard their mahers, and if they could cut theirthroates with telling aword, out it fhould : all fuch fervants mayaffure themfelves that they ferved in hypocrite, and therefore that itwas molt hateful) to God, for what is more odious to that God of troth, then filch guilefull courfes? Hypocrifie is compounded of pride and untruth, the Lord hath both of them in high abomi- nation. z. We =flail hence confider that if Godwill not havehypocrite in the fervice, which oneman Both to another, how doth he hate it in hisowne fervice ? Let us labour therefore to doe that we doe with foundnefle. ,aefl. But howmay we know that the thing we dot is with upright- ncflc? t4nfin. r. If we call our felves into the prefcnce of God : for by- pocrifiedarenot abide before him: Walk before me and be upright, 2 King. zo. i have walkedbefore thee with aperfer'l heart : the Pharifees looked to men. 2. If we doe from our hearts that we doe : with the heart, and unfeignedly are all on, ler. 3. to. Hypocrites give God their lippes, but their hearts are farce from him. 3. To his glorie onely, r Car. 3. VERSE 6. Not witheyeferviee,anmenpleafers, but as thefervants VERSE 6. of Chrifi, doing the willofGod fromtheheart. Not with eyefervice. Whence Obferve, that eye rervice flandethxet Doll. with aprigbtneffe ofheart; aneye fervant is not an honeft hearted fer- vant in Gods account. Now we mutt to underhand it, know that it is not eye fervice, which looketh often to the eye of the matter or mi- ffreffc , forPfal. I23. 2. the whole dude of a fervant is fet downe by this; and it is a lawful) thing, when it is to have their dire lion and know their pleafure: but eye fervice is, r. All outward fervice which goeth no further then that aman can take knowledge of, for he that doththeoutward thing onely, though with a morali honeft meaning, Gods 69