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VRR. 6. Ephefanr, Chap. 6. OI me in. And this may he profitable to fuch as likePotipher , Gen. 29. to lofeph, fo they truff all to the fervant fo far, as they takethe next way tomake him truftleffe ; for opportunity maketh a 4heefe : lemur eye be given; but yet let us remember , it is not our eye that kecpeth fafe, but Gods bleffingwith it,it is not rilingearly, &c. but God that buildeth the City and who hath fuch quick eyes that can feeall the water that flidethby his mill t It followeth,Nor with eye-firvlce as menpleatrs: Obferve, Whence Deft; it commeth that men . ferve with eye-[irvice, even hence , becaufe they feekemt topleafe.God, but man ; If one did feeke to pleafeGod , hee would doe inward obedience from his heart , as well asoutward , for God is a Spirit, &c. Again; he fhould have an eye that wouldreach him every where, and therefore fhould not hence take liberty becaufe that the eye is offhim : But whenone fhooteth at this White onely,to keepe the favour of men, he careth not for further fervice. then that which is neceffary to this purpofe. But to conceive this aright, you mutt not thinke that all man pleating is here condemned, for wee are bid, Rm.!4.2. Pleafeone another; and fervants are bid; t Ti,,. 2.9. pleafe their Matter in all things. r. Seeking tohave God approve us. 2. Ourconfciences ; weare in the third place to feeke the godd:ap- probationofour Governors: but this is here laid downe as a wicked fin, when fervants doe onely or principally ayme at this, that their Mailers be pleated, not caring for any further matters which is tobe condemnedas hindering our falvations,Ioh.5.44 Seeing then thatthis is thefountaineofeye fervice,let us as we de- Pfc.; ' fire toavoid fuch hollow fervice, feekenot onely to pleafeman , but principally to approve our felves to God : and let Matters as they would have one that is not an eye fervant, fo feeke that he be fuchan oneas hath a care topleafe God; Andthus it followeth , That afingle Dolt. hearted fervant mull dee the will of GodfromtheRule. This isto bee marked hence, that a Chriffian fervant mull give the obedience of faith ro Gods will in the bufineffes which- he doth for man : thus Is- feph fo fcrved as fearingGod : now that maketh a man'behave him- felfeas well inone deed as otherreverently toward'God : and inGem 24.42.5z. we may fee howreligioufly that fervant walked toward. God in his Matterserrand, prayingand giving thanks: and that which S.Peter fpeakethof enduring, mutt be extended to all the obeying it, muftbe for confcience to God, if they will have itcommendable fer- vice beforehim : for fo it is that wehave inevery works injoynedus a double command : the onefrom our Matter in earth, hefaíth, Doe . fuch athing: theother from our Matter in heaven, he faith, Honour the Father, feeyou obey your Mallet in every thing : now we mutt principally looke to the Lordswill. Ifwe fhould ferveinfome Noble mans houfe,ifthe Noble manprefent with hisfleward whomhe fet- reth overthe reff ofhis houfhold , if when the Reward biddeth one doe this , he fhould fpeak tohim and fay , Sirrah, feeyoudoe it; IF the fervant thould conic with hisfellow fervant, but have no regard Ppp of