V E R. 8. Ephefianr, Chap. 6. 703 not be pleafed in any thing, arc unjuft, will recotnpenfe and confider no travaile : now how fhould we be cheerefull in ferving fuch, ifwee had not a betterMailer then man to whom we tender our fetvicee This looking to God dothchange the natureofthings, fo that which isintolerable and odious in man, bccommeth eafic and lovely asfrom God : even aspoyfon mixed in ones meate and drinke by the ill will ornegligence of a partir is murder, but poyfon tempered by the art of the Phyfitianand given one is a great mercy : fo there unjuft parts as they come from the hands of men , they are irkefome ; but as from God who is the healing God, they are wholefome for us : there deeds are like thofe feathers which thew divers appearances according to thediverfity of light inwhich you hold them. Wherefore, if fervants will got through what ever befall with Yfe:' cheerefull fervice, this is their way, to looke how juft, wife, faithfull, mercifull God is, and his will is , even in charging us to obey them, who defrrvenothing leffè then cheerefullobedience, yea how juft his will is in charging us to indure that at their hands which in them is moll injurious. VERSE 8. And know yet that what[never good thingany mandoth, VERB$ 8. that fame(hall he receive ofthe Lord, whetherhe be bondorfree. Now the eighthverle layeth downe the reafon , and teacheththus Doti: much, That Godwill not fie cenfcionable fervice unreconapezfed; for the Lord dothgive it an eternal( reward , when all good works lhall be rewarded: butbecaufe prcfentthings flay the flonaachmore, he gi. veal us even here a reward of it in part of payment. r. Bringeth them that have beene faithfull .in fervice to have fubftance oftheir owne. 2. Bleffing them with fervants good and faithfull for the moft part : for God doth raife the poore frrvant often to greatetlate; fome- time by giving him favourwith his governours , who are able to ad- vance him : theMatter finding the fatthfulneffe ofhis fetvant , doth fet him over all his fubftance , and Mordecai, Efiher 2. keeping his Porterfhip diligently came to make difcovery of a treafon , which fterward madehis Matter advance him. But if God give them not favour with thofe that owe it them , yet he Both let them finde it in theeyes offtrangers: So lofeph his hopes with Potiphar were dallied, and the Butler had forgotten, but God brought him to finde favour in theeyes ofPharaoh, fo that he was made the fecond from himfelfe in all thekingdome. 3. IfGod let them finde no favour with men' (which he doth thatthey may know him their portion and fuftainer of their lot) yet he doth by his bleffing, extraordinary or ordinary, bring them to riches, or fome compleate portion. Though Laban dodged with Jacob, Gen. 31.42. and turned every (tone to keepe him low, yet the Lordbleffed him and faw him rewarded. Againe, God giveth fuchgood fervants for the moll part, for what rneafure wee make, we receive the fame for the moll part, and Jo(ephbad a ftcwatd ofgreat fecrec)/ and fearing God, as he had been both religious and faithfull. ;r; Which Pppz