7(M. EphefialMr Chap,6. V E R. 9, yie a. !. Vanaa9. Which fhould incourage fervants, for they have the Lords word pawned to them, who can raife from the dunghils to kingdomes, his word I fay, that they fhall be recompenced ; Say thy Mailer were a Laban, and would goe as ncere the winde as he, and feeke every way tolkecp thee failing, yet God hath undertaken topay thee thy wages, for Prov.z7.18. He that keepeth a fig tree fhall ease the fruire; and an obfervant fervant fhall be honoured. Looke and you may fee , fome have given up their occupying to their fervants, fome have found great help from (rangers, fome have thriven, though their Matters have done their utmoo tohold them downe , all which doe thew by experience the truthofthispromife. Let us learnc hence to be afraid whohave beene lewd fervants, and repent us of it ; for if that which is confcionably be bleffed, then thisis accurfed : that fuch may fears God will blow upon their fub- tance, and make them meet with fuch like fervants as themfelves were in their time; ifbee forbeare thee, that yetit is not thus, let his goodneffe and patience call thee to repentance. This doth let us fee, howno fcrvice to himfelfe Chaff be left un- rewarded : if that we doe to our fellow- fervants thall have recom- pcnfe,how muchmore the fcrvice we doe to hime Let us not there- fore fay as (.3/4/.s. It is in vaine to ferve the Lord : Ifwe be wife,it is forour felves, ifrighteous,for our owne good. Thusmuchtouching thedutyof fervants. VERSE 9. vtndye Makers doe thefame things smta them, putting away threatningr and know that evenyour otafier alto isin heaven, nei- ther it there reJpelï ofperfins with him. Now followed) the dutyof Matters. s. Theduty. 2. The reafon: r. Theduty is laid downe, r. Generally. 2. Particularly. In ge- atera!l doe the'-fame things s that is , doe you likewife confcionably wi+hacduty foevcr you owe about your fervants. a. Without threat- ning, which is a negative precept forbidding all crooked and cruel! dealing toward thé,thecruelty ofwords molt ufual put for thewhole, and onthe contrarycommanding all equal! and gentle ufage ofthem. a. The reafon is, becaufe we have a Maler in Heaven, who is by wayofpreventiondcfcribed from this property, that he es no reßeeler ofperfan,; for Matters might think, though God is above us, yet hee doth makemore account ofus then our fervants. Now two things mutt be opened. r. That we mutt confcionably performe all duty about our fer- vants,as they theirs tous. 2. That we mutt avoid all crabbed cruell dealing with them. For opening thefirft, we mutt confiderthe dutiesthat Matters (land char- gedwith, which may be molt fitly called to thefe two heads. Toour choofingofthem : And, Thole whichwe mutt dohaving made choice while we enjoy them. Now