VE x, 9, phefs.ans,Chap. 6. 7Q!' Now for choofing them we muff obferve two things. a. What we muff chiefely look at in a fervant. 2. What order we muff proceed bywhenwe take him. The thingsare two. r. Religion, Pfal.ror.6. and this is our gaine: for ifone Achan might trouble a whole Land, howmay one irreligious fervant trouble a houfe e Againe, Gods bleffing is with the religious, as in lofephand in Jacob is manifeft. z. We muttlooke next at the hope of ferviceableneffe, not looking at acceffaries fomuchas fubffance which many obferve not , who looke at moneyand friends, and fo fingering a little money, want a man. Now in this order we mutt take them, getting knowledge where theyhave lived, getting teftimonyofthem, and trying before we truff : for as Labanfaw in amonth what Jacobcould doe before he hi- red him, and before Potiphar did truff Iofeph, he fawthat Godwas with him, and that all he hadprofpered, Gen.39. Nowwhen wehave chofcn them, they anfwer our hope, or prove otherwife; If they prove naught,we muffwhenwe feethat our courfes will not reclaime them, give them their pafports fo fooneas may be. Pfd. 101.7. Luke 16.2. Thou maift be Reward no more , take that which is thine , be packing: If we keep them, then we muff performe duty to their fouls. z.To their outward man; to their fouls, wemuff inffructthem andor- der them privately. z. Mutt fee them ferve Godpublikely. Gen. 19. Iand my houfe will ferve theLord. Abrahamwill teach hishoufhold: and the fourth Commandement doth binde Matters co fee their fer- vants fandlifie the Sabbath a. For their outward man, wemuftgovern them, for that Corn. mandement which forbiddeth rulewith cruelty, dothbid that we rule them. z. A man muff imploy them and direct them: the Mailer in theParable fetteththe Steward in his place , the Porter in his ; the houfewife, Prov.3 r. giveth the feverall taskes to herfervants. But to this purpofeofdircdion three things are neceffary. Firft, To affigne and appoint out what we would have themdoe; Secondly, To over.looke them fometime onr felves, fometime fending amongffthem. Prev.3.24. Gen.37 Thirdly,Togive them example;, if we wouldhave themdiligent, we muff not lye abeetill noone: LookProv.31.16. Shec there rifeth her felfe betime, layeth her handstoworke, no direction foeffectuall as is that which is exemplary. 3. Wemuff Phew love toour fervants;Pbilem. v. r6. Receive him as a belovedbrother : A Chriftian fervant muff be in the place of a beloved brother or filter: Now love ftandeth iraeffeeming of them, Mat.8.6. TheCenturionmade precious account of his fervant.Prov. r7.2. Awife fervant is tobe preferred before alewd fon. 2. Incom- municating to them all neceffaries and all things for encouragement ofthem. 3. Thinking how we may doe theist good as well as be P PP 3 bene-