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706 Epbefiins, Chap.6. V E R. q. benefited by them ; and efpecially it will appeare if they be ficke, Mat. 8.6. 4. Laffly, we mutt doe jufllywith them, 01.3. Matters dothat which is jufl toward them ; now this juftice is feene , both in making provifrons,for Lake 16. The labourer is worthy ofhis meare; And in giving them recompenfe, both that which may be claimed as due, Lev.19.13. as force voluntary gratifications to help them for- ward for themfelves,Deut. i6.13.And thefe and fuch like the Apoftle dothwrap up in this generali fpeecb, Doc you that are Matters the fame things. Yfe. Now ifwe lay our felves to thefe things we (hall findea greatwant in Mailers. For, r. Firft, In takingthemwee looke not at thethings we fhould : Many have no care of Religion, but if he be a fervant of quality, like tobe gainefull, thenhe is intertained, what ever his conditions arc. Now fay he were gainefull, yet we fhould be of 4.../l6rahams minde, who would not be rich with the Kingof Sodoms wealth, we fhould not likethat a rakehell fwaggerer fhould inrich us: but it is otherwife, for what fuch an onegetteth us, (hall have a curfegoing with it : and if re- ceiving a traytor be dangerous toa fubjeéf, it cannot but indangerus to receive fuchwhoare open rebels to the wayesof God. ï: Againe, For looking at hope of fervice. Men looke now what friends ofaccount they fhali make beholding, what moneyoutright, or in ufe, and thus proceed : which maketh them often catch a frog fora fib, get inftcadofa good fervant, a prodigall boy , whowill be their young mafter,and know no fubjecfion: and ifany thing be found faulr,hecan fay, they had this with him,and his friends will beare him out. A juft whip to follow fuch neglect ofpooreones that are friend - 3. leffe, who having knowne hardlhip were like to prove better. 3. Men take fervants handover head , they are careful] tokeepe bodily infe- dion away,but manners which are morecontagious they receive any. In the frckneflè we keepe out fuch as come from infectious places, and would not receive one to ferve us , who came from abode that all were dead out of: but we will take afervant, never aske him, whence hecommeth, thoughhe hath lived where all are dead in fin and tref- paffes, we care not,we forget that alittleleaven doth leaven the lump: whichmuffnot be fo taken that ifa good fervant comefrom fuch company , he muff not be rejected: In Pharaohs houfe force feared God, and in Ca farsCourt, heathenifhCæfar, force loved Chriff. Now for looking to their foules in private neglected , and feeing that they fhould fanclifc the Sabbath , many care not for bringing them toChurch, but fewer for examiningwhatthey remember; this maketh the ftreetsfo full offwarms, everywhere openlybreaking the Sabbath. Ifwe fhould fend them on our errand,we wouldaske them what was faid to them, though we fent them abouta trifle,foole them ifthey had forgotten : But when we fend them on an errand that concernes their falvationand the furtherance of our reckonings, we never aske them, nor blame theta ifnothing be remembred, Now