V"E R. 9. Epbefiana, Chap.6. Now for government many faile , letting fervants know noduty, but be hayle fellows well met. s. For directions and imploymcnt, many keeping fuch as live like idle droanes by them : for itis a vice ofthe times , they doe multiply fcrvants, that the one dothmake theother idle. 3. For direElion, efpecially by example, we faile, we would have them painefull, but follow our pleafures, them fober, and our felves feaft it. 4. For love,we prize them not, care not for them, further then to ferve our felves by them, thinking all too much, but what for lhame mull, that is beftowedon them. S. Ifficke, we areas kinde as the Amalekite , t Sam. 30.13. who lefthis man on theplaine field, fo wee call them off as burdensand hinderances rather then otherwife. 6. For juflice,we pay them their dues dodgingly,we help them not when weleavethemwith free kindneffes : Nay, manywould breake thenecksof them in the rifing , left themfelves fhould have l.ffe do- ings, that the want of the wife choice of religious education, prudent government, exemplary direólion, love,juftice in us that are Mailers, is thecaufe of fuch a naughty race offervants asptfter every place. And let us looke to thefe things,to theirReligion : when one .4tcban might trouble a whole Nation,may not one fervant awhole family topoore friendleffe ones, if they belike to prove ferviceablc. Let us looke to theirfoules, fending them forth on the weeke day fo many as may be fpared,it would not hinder us, but furtherus; as in the Gofpel, after a Sermon, though before theyhad fifhedand taken nothing, yet after Chrifts preaching,the netwas full. Let us for their outward man, keep them in awe,imploy them with direótion,fhewlove,and do that which is juft to them. Now followeth the fecond,viZ. that wemuff avoid all crabbed and cruell dealing inour Calling over them : for thecurrithneffe in fpeech is here named, becaufe men breake themolt into it,and thinke the leaft of it, for words are winde, and when they have faid their minds they have done; this therefore being frequent and not much flood on is na- med for al the reft,Lev.z 5.43.Thou (halt not raigne over thy brother cruelly, like as the Egyptians made the Ifraelitesferve, Exact. 1. 14. Godwould haveall power temperedwith mercy : Husbands arc the heads, yet Cal.3.ao. they muff love, and not be bitter ; Parents are over their children, yet they mutt not exafperatethem ; Matters have power, buttheymuff weild it without rigour, and too much aufterity, laying afide threatnings ; and the Apoftle had need to call for it, Ma- fters having power oflife and death and ready toexecute fervants for trifling defaults, as Faille would have done his for breaking a glalfe , which occafioned the remarkable ftory of .. Aagkflus Cxfar , who brakethem all left they fhould give occafion to fuch rafh enterpife. And ifthat dominion fhould not be mixed with clemency, it would degenerate to hurtful! tyranny. Yea,Nature hath printsofthis truth, the. 707 ----._ Vfe. je.