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VER.9. Epbefians, Chap.6. 709 will give leave, wemake our felves equal! with them, and he that can carry this behavior wifely (hall be twice asmuch feared, if he frowne, as any other looking and fpeaking, as Boaz did, bidding his fervants God fpeed. a. Hearing them as Nauman, and lob 31. 14. feting that they receive no meafurc but good from our hands, nor from others that are under us. Yet we muff take heede that we doe not through folly runne out of one extreame into another, for we may kill all with kindneffc, asApes with hugging, Prow. 29. He that bringeth a fervant updaintily, (hall have enough of it, the excellent direeter is wifedome. This doth let usgather an argument that our Godwil be a good Mr, (hewingall equine tous,for he will not bid us be one thing, and him felfeanother,My yoake is cafre, Allmy wages are equal', this Godprofef- fethof himfelfe,Efay43.23. Pfal. 103. He cloth not love chiding: he is and will be found for ever agood matter to us. The Reafoe followeth,becaufeWe have a c.3tafter, bc. who is de- fcribed from his not accepting of perfons, to prevent the deceitefull thoughts which we mightfancie with our (elves. r. Thenwe fee, what is an excellent eon/deration tobeate down all proud cruelty, to bet hinke us of our mailer isheaven, that can call us to reckoning, pride is the mother of cruelty, and there is not a better cooler for them both then to looke at God. Gen. 19. when Abraham faw the Lord, you fee howhe did abaft himfelfe, as low as duff and afhes, and Gen. 29. 6. when lefepbs brethren feared left het would deale cruelly with them, lefeph a(firreth them that this is farre from him; wbye becaufe he was under the fame God with them, and lob 31. 14. this confiderationof the Matter inheaven, made lob he durit not deale rigoroufly with his fervant; and nothing can containe us in our duty like to this. For one fervant will fall off fmitiag another, if he fee his malter, andwill reckon with him for it. This thereforecloth (hew that fuch have not God in their fight who breake out to fuchcruel! intreatie of others : but let fuch know they have a Matter who will keepe an Audit with them,and pay them their due; he that hathbeene mercileffe, dull have judgement without mercy. The laff thing tobe marked is, that our God le noaccepter of Perfent: the meaningofwhich is not that God doth deale alike with chofe that arc equalls, for in matters of favour God may, and doth, deale di- verily withmenall alike. z. It is not meant that God hath notregard of the beingand exiftence of fome before other : for hetaketh fome andrejeleth other fome: but [Perfon] doth fignifle all outward circumftances which men ufe to regard,power, wealth, kindred, &c. and the meaning is,God is a God that will not for any by-refpeá got ahaires breadth from juftíce, Deut. To. Iam ...firm Gad, &c. that ac- cepts not perfons, lob 34.14. a worthy place, Ails to. 34. ofa truth i perceive God is noaccepter of perfons : for God that will not allow this inman, Deal .1.17. will himfelfebe fame from it. And we fee that heathen Doit, Yfe. Doll,