Predeflination. behis children ; thofe whom he predeftinateth, heBoth ordaine they !hall be like his Sonne, Rom. 8. like even in glory, as well as fuffering, like inbeing Sonnes,as he is a Sonne ; like in havinga ftateofglory fit- ting them, ashe hathglory, fuch as is fit for him the Head or firft borne of us. For this caufe, Heb. r the predeftinate are called the Church of the firft begotten, who are written in heaven, becaufe all Gods chofen are by this predeftination appointed to this, that they (hall be Sonnes ofGod : Even as great men appoint with themfelves (ome that thinke nothingof it, that they (hall be their heyres, and doe adopt themby this meaneschildren to them: So God did within him- felfeordaine ofus that we fhouldbe brought to this eftate ofbeing his adoptedchildren.For our better underftanding this matter, three things ¡haliteopened. r. What this Adoption containethin it. 2. Through whomwe come to be adopted. 3. Inwhat orderwedoe receive in time this fo great benefit, or to what benefit this is to be reduced, whether to Calling, juftification, or glorification. For the firft, it containeth the dignity of being the fonnes ofGod. 2. The inheritance of light,orthe divine nature begun here,to be perfec. ted hereafter:for the firft,fee John 1.22.1 lobo 3.1.Hegiveth us this dig- nity, fheweth us this love, that we fhould be called his children ; not that we are children as .ildam was, who becaufe he was produced in the fimilitude of God, might be called a Sonne of God, but fonnes through amyfticall conjunítion with Jefus Chrift that naturali Sonne ofGod. Secondly, we have the inheritanceoflight, or adivinenature,which flandeth not in fuch a life of God, as Adamhad, which was aknow- ledge of God onely as aCreator of all things, and a righteoufneffe and holineffe whichwere in order to God knowne onely ; as a creator, not fuch alife as may fallaway, but alife which ftandeth inknowing,as an Author in Chrift, offupernaturall ghace; fuch righteoufneffe and holineffeas are in order toGod, asnowmade manifeft inChrift Jefus; fuch a life as (hall never have end, according to that,ThoJewho are borne ofGodcannotfinne, for the feedeofGod abideth in them. Thirdly, all that glorywe looke for in Heaven, is comprehended in this adoption, Rom. 8. We expell our adoption, even the redemption of our bodies. Nowwe come tohave this executedon us by faith on Christ ; for, fo many as beleeved, to them it is given to be his children, fonnes and daughters : uponour marriage with the naturali Sonne, we come in the place offonnes anddaughters alfo : But for the order, inwhich we re- ceive this dignity, it is fomewhat doubtfull, whether when we are juftified, or when we are glorified. To which I anfwer briefly, thatit belongeth toourglorification,and is to berecalled untothat head; for, Redemption which is put for Forgiveneffe of finne and juftifica- tion, when it doth notnote outour finali deliverance, this redemption is madeto goe before it,G4l.4.5.That hemight redeme us who were under the i aw,&that wemight receive Adoption.Befidc,juftification doth nothing G but