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Ephefians,Chap.6. VER.IO.' heathen men, as thofe Areopagites have brene fo impartiall that they have judged in the night, that they might not be moved to injuff pro. ceeding by the countenance or perfon. Whichbath not onely comfort for poore ones,but a double inftru- Qion, r. To fhake a great many vaine hopes : for you have many that hope well they (hall goc to God to reft when they dye : aske them, Why they thinke fo becaufcwe have knowne a great deale of mi- fery and forrow here, as much asany one pooreman : But though thou haft never fuch motives of commiferation, thefe will not helpe, ifthy caufe be not good, if thoucanft not by a working faith plead thy in- nocencie, God is no refpeder of perlons. Others becaufe theyare in better and more glorious effare, they thinke the Lord will let them finde him more eafte: for he looketh not, as they thinkor fuch ffriEt- neffe in them as he doth in others, but God bath no refpeét ofperfon, you (hall be (tripped ofMafferfhip and Gentry,whcn you come before him. Others, they thinke to finde Godmerciful) becaufe they areig- norant, and havenot meanes, but God he will not looke at this, bee will lookar faith manifeffed by good life, if this belacking it will go a- gainft thee,Ram.2.l2.S, ch at are withoutthe Late perifh without theLaw, becaufeGodwil not for by- matters decline from righteous judgement: fo many becaufe they by profeffion are his people, and doe heare his Word fometime, and receive : but it is not this refped that God judgeth by, thou art not adoer of the Law, though thou knoweft it never fo, and braggeft of ir, Godwill condemne thee becaufe hee looketh at the thing it felfe, not at any refpeEf in thee, Rom. 2. 13. Luk. 13. 27. So preachers,ifthey would fay they have taught others, if theylive not according, Godbath no refpeâ of perfon, and there. fore will fay, Departyee, be. ctitat.7. 23. So that we mutt not )cane on fuch fandie foundations, truft to fuch reedes as thefe are, butfeeing we call him Father that judgeth without refpeét of perfon; let us paffe our convcrfation in feare and trembling, ¡ Pet. 1.17. This teachethus that we fhunne this vice, Eph. S. r . thofe that are the beloved children of Godmuff follow him : Sometime men give allowance intheir hearts of men according to outward things, lam. z. they knew men according to the flefh, for it is not that bare preemi- nence offeate, but the inward eftimation fignified by the other that is there condemned. Again, what maketh us in force wee cannot fee great faults? we immoderately extoll little things when commenda- ble, in otherswe take any moate fo hainoufly, and if they tread awry we cannot fatisfie our felves in difcommending it, the ground ofit is refped of perfon, one is gracious with us, the other out of favour. V E R S E Io. Finally, my brethren, befirong in the Lord, and in thepower ofhismight. Now followes the conclufion of the Epiffle: in which are three things; Firft, an exhortation, to the 2i. verfe. Secondly, a narration of