iiZ vrez. : Chron.a8. ao. I. Ephefian.r,Chap,G. VER,io¡ at the doore; then we aremoyled and deeper often in the fin we fled from, thenbefore. While I was muffing, the fire brake forth, then fpakc I with my tongue, Pfal. 39. 3. Wemuft not thinke this ftrange; but though we be beaten on our knees,yet go ftil fromEgypt theking- dome of darkeneffe to the glorious inheritance of the Saints in light. 2. This Both Phew fuch whole courfe is cleare and even, goe (moothly away with all their enterprifes, that they are taken of the Devill to doe his will : for if they didnot pleafehim, then he would have a laying to them. Nowparticularly in t üs verf: two things mull be opened. 1. That Chriflians mull have a refolutien in their corirfes. Secondly who it is, or upon what flrength it is we muff be coal- For the firft, the Apoftle teacheth fo much, i Cor. 16. t3. Watchye, glandfall, quityourfelves like men: he Both call upon usto be valorous, like as /Dabexhorted his fouldiers fighting for their country, z Sam. t o. 12. Andofthe Chriftians, It is faid, theydid with full pur- pofe of heart cleave unto the Lord : and the felfe fame fpirituall for- titude is ncceffary in the things we undertake or fuffer, if we meane to goe throughwith them. Take heede therefore : for the Lord hath chofen thee to build the houle of his Sanftuary, be thong therefore, and doe it. Lake9.51. It is laid of our Saviour Chrift when his time was come to fuffer, he fet himfelfe fully to goe to Ierufalem. Now this fpirituallcourage dothJhewit feelfe in three things. Firft, it doth expell theflares ofcowardife, u'henwe fee great enemies againff us,Deut.zo. z3.Let not your hearts flarenor be afraid ofthem: for though a man fee a hideous maffe ofcorruption, yet (hall it not af- fright him. 2 z. It makes usnot to bedifmaide at thedifficulties that mette with us: thougha mancome by knockes, yethe maketh not dainties ofthem. For Paul though he was driven upon that he would not,yet he was not difmaid, but gave God thankes that the beft part ofhimdid looke ano- ther way, and that Chrift was his righteoufneffe. 3. 3. It doth thew it felge in this, that after we are foyled, it maketh us renewourbattell, and valiantly charge our enemies with heft, affaults. Iud. 20. 22. The men of Iliadplucked up their hearts, (there is cou- rage) and renewed the battell; fo Paul, though the devil! did buffet him againe and againe,yet being couragious, hedid renew hisftrength againft it by often prayer. This then doth rebuke the timoroufneffe inus,that whenwe fee the manifold enemies, which we have, our hearts melt, and if we be foy- led,'are ready to caft away our weapons; which cowardife doth en. courage the adverfary, as courage doth daunt him. The Devill is like a ferpentine Crocodile : the propertyof which is, if one felloweth, .it flyeth away; if one flye, it purfueth him : refit} him, he (hail flye; lbe afraide, he will follow. Menare, as 3eremie complaineth, couragi- ous todoe evill, but they have nocourage to doe good. Ifa Beare or Lyonbe in the way, they will encounter the greateft diflïculties: if one' vfe.