Ephefaans, Chap.6. V ER.IO.! this day. This ie a moft ileffed efface, to lean on the Lord , and an the power ofhú might : many are thebenefits opt. It will feare nooppofi- Iron. For what cannot Gods almighty power fubdue± Pfal. 27. I. 2. It will not be difmaid when all meanes in ordinary confiderati- on falle us : he faveth by few , yea without any, as well as many. Ram.4. vibrabam cared not for thedeadneffe ofhisbody. 3. Hethat hash no truft inhimfelfe, but leaneth on the power of God, will, though he fall often, ftill have hope : for he that knowes he hath no ftrength, cannot wonder ifwhenGod leaved' himhe doe' fall : and hee that maketh Gods ftrength his ftay , though hee bee never fo farre from a thing , yet will not cart away hope in time to obtaine. Finally, he will delire togrieve fluently for his weakneffe, he will fo !came to fee there is noability in him, that hewill further leane his faith on the powerofGod. Pfal.60.i t. Give us help againft trouble, for vaine is the help ofman. Pfal. 69. 29. When I am poore and in heavincfîe, thy help O Lord (hall (till exalt roe.What ufe the Pfalmift maketh of this, that the Ifraclites had fought unfuccesfully as left of God. Laftly, this isall our fccurity, that it is not the ftrength in us,but the power ofGods might, that muff helpus to falvation. If we had the ftrength of our firft Parents , and were left toour felves, we fhould come fhort ofhappineffe : but this being it that doth keepe us ( Gods ftrengthbeingunited toby faith) the felfe fame ftrong God beingthe author and finifherof ourfaith, Heh. r3. this puts all out ofdoubt. 3. We mutt glórifie the power of God inall things : it is he that ftreng- thenethus. Efayz5.1o. He workethall our works for us. Pfal.to8. 13. Through him we (hall do valiantly, he is our fhield, towre,rock, ftrength, and glory. Now followeth the fecond part offortifying,concerning thefurni- ture we areto have; laiddowne in generals to the 14. verfe, inparticu- lar to thes r. Firft, he layeth downe the duty. Secondly, hedoth, as a faithful) Herald, againe repeate his proclamation, becaufe wecan- not heare on this fide eafìly, but would fave our felves peaceably, without lookingafter warfare. In laying downs the duty, he delive- reth in the beginningofthis verfe, the thing to be done : Put on the whole armourofGod. z. The end, that you may be able to teat. 3. The reafon, which hath reference to the duty , and end ; in the ra. verfe. Now in the thingto bedone, three things are to bemarked. t. That Chriftians muff have armourthat is compleat armour, toco- ver them from top to toe. 2. That they muff not have it lying by them, but mutt put it on. 3. That the Chriftian armour is for matter and making, ofGod, that is,divine and (pirimall. For the firft , there úgreat reafon to prove that a Chriftian muff have armour. For he hath enemies that would woundhim deadly otherwife. It is with us as with the Ifraelities inExodus : fo foone as he tooke them out ofEgypt, he led them thence armed ; becaufe that Pharaoh he